Monday, November 26, 2007

Stephen King says Britney Spears is trailer trash

Stephen King thinks Britney or Lindsay should be Time's person of the year...
"There are legitimate issues there (he was talking about Hanna Montanna ticket sales) about the Internet, so that actually does seem to have some cultural significance. But Britney? Britney Spears is just trailer trash. That’s all. I mean, I don’t mean to be pejorative. But you observe her behavior for the past five years and you say, “Here’s a lady who can’t take care of her kids, she can’t take care of herself, she has no retirement fund, everything that she gets runs right through her hands.” And yet, you know and I know that if you go to those sites that tell you what the most blogged-about things on the Internet are, it’s Britney, it’s Lindsay. So I think it would be terrific [to have them as TIME Persons of the Year]. There would be such a scream from the American reading public, sure. But at the same time, it’s time for somebody to discuss the difference between real news and fake."
Hmm, he's hot. Geeky, but, hot. That's his house in Bangor Maine, by the way, where he and his wife Tabitha live. If she ever leaves him, I'm going for it, but, she can't, because as brilliant as he is, he can't find his own socks without Tabby King.


Anonymous said...

I love Stephen King! I may fight you for him DD!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I thought he was dead :x LOL

Dirty Disher said... I love the story his wife tells about how a bat got in their house and he screamed like a girl and hid. She had to get it out herself.

Miss Tia said...

i like his stuff from the 80's...i think success affected some of his writing...what about 'the long walk' he wrote under another name?? i did a book report in high school on that and read outloud the passage where the one kid's intestines are all over the road! yeah, i've always been this way....

Anonymous said...

Stephen King is cool....but LOVE Dean Koontz. He is awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

remember when he was hit while walking down the road & almost died & took a very long time to recover? poor guy. Love the creepy & very cool mansion. Ozzy is probably a good pal! LOL! I love Ozzy too & he's also a big baby & his wife has to take care of him too! Momma's boys!

Anonymous said...

His wifes name is Tabitha? How puurrrfect is that???

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this man.. I do like his earlier stuff though. I find these days his endings are just so rushed. But I will always love The King :) He's my fav.

What's even more creepy is that the man who hit him with his van died on King's birthday.


Anonymous said...

He's just a retired English teacher and Red Sox fan. I dunno.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Disher,

I heard that the creep fence was his wife Tabby's idea, it was to keep the prying fans at bay.

My sis is a big fan of his, and I read the stand, really long--too long if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

That fence might keep the fans out but it screams "Stand here & take my pic"! I bet the place is a regular stop-off in the area. You know by looking that somebody famous lives there. It's creepy & it's kooky!!

Eliza!!! Where ya' been gurl??? & wow how creepy that the van driver died on Kings b'day! Thats just waay too weird. Even in his stories he couldn't have written a stranger ending if he tried! WOW!