Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Just call Kirsten Dunst "Stinky"

That's what all her friends call her. Stinky. She refuses to wash her hair, bathe, wear deodorant..because she thinks her natural body oder is good.
[Kirsten Dunst] smells! “Kirsten’s friends have nicknamed her ‘Stinky,’” says an insider. “She always has the worst body odor!”
Didn't we already know this just by looking at her? We don't need to be close enough to smell her. She refuses to fix her nasty teeth and always looks like she's dipped in grease. I don't even think there's a joke here, she's just yuky. Talented, yes...good smelling, highly doubtful. I had a friend like her in art school, she thought deodorants and bathing were things that were not natural. It was so foul that you could tell where she'd been even when she wasn't there. Ukkk, I can still smell it. Pew.


Anonymous said...

I am not surprised. She looks dirty and unkept most of the time. She can move to Oregon and fit right in if she doesnt trim her bush either.

Anonymous said...

U know she doesn't trim anything! Keira Knightly admits she smells musty & rarely bathes too. Whats the deal? They get all these hot guys w/o washing their cootch? WTH?

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it how can anyone wish to be untidy.

Unknown said...

B.O. is the most offensive smell, farts are not even close. I hate it when these people pull the discrimination card, when in fact they made that choice to be filthy. In dance class there was a girl so called "free spirit" who would smell like raw onions, and it filled the room. I had a problem with that. Everyone else was offended but I was the only one who actually said something about it. They didn't wanna say anything cause they "didn't wanna hurt her poor little feelings". Why should I have to relinquish my right to complain when she was using her right to make everybody else uncomfortable? So she left the troupe. TG!

Jess said...

Ick. Damn hippies, why is a bar of soap your biggest enemy? I like hippie clothes, peace and love, Bonnaroo, and all that jazz, but hell! There's just something about hot water and lathering up like Mr. Bubbles that's just incomparable. Last I'd heard, we'd moved OUT of the Middle Ages!

Anonymous said...

I know a guy that only started brushing his teeth after his wife made him do it. He doesn't believe in immunization shots or Doctor visits. His daughter has an obvious developmental problem that he refused to address until his wife made him agree to see a specialist. This guy also thinks he is as smart as they come; yet he lives way over his head and is in deep debt with his 22 credit cards. Selfish comes to mind.