Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Stoned to the bone and still the better parent

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Sources on the set of One Tree Hill say Kevin Federline lights up his joints all over the set and sees no need to hide it. Sigh..if I had four little kids and Britney as an ex, I'd probably smoke pot too. I'd probably smoke it, eat it, bathe in it..hell, I'd just live in a big old skunk weed field and buy stock in ZigZag. Whatever gets him through the day.


Major Majormajor said...

I'm over the K-Fed bashing. I can only imagine what it must have been like to live with that spoiled, immature, crazed twit and have everybody calling me the bad guy.

Dirty Disher said...

I always liked the guy, don't know why. He just seems like an average good dude.

Anonymous said...

He needs to stop doing that in public & should never do that in his home with his children in residence. But Party-On-Dude!!

Anonymous said...

they are both scummy.

Anonymous said...

yup both crazy immature scumolas

those boys don't stand a chance ... they'll be rich, stupid, unhealthy, useless brats with 'reality tv' morals.

more cheap trashy americans.

Unknown said...

amazing how the tables have turned. Let's see how the britney fanatics aka cris crocker react to this one.

Anonymous said...

This is not new news ppl.

Anonymous said...

I still don't like him. Not much better than BS.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Chris Crocker went away! Thanks DD!

Anonymous said...

So what if Britney is a raving lunatic, that is no excuse for him to be blazin up in public, next thing we'll hear is that the boys are taken away from him too, then what? Orphans?

Anonymous said...

Average good dude? What about Shar? I dunno.