Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pickin' on the big boys

It's dangerous to pick on the big kids, but, TMZ pissed me off. They're running a huge story accusing Tori Spelling of promoting bacteria to pregnant women in the form of soft serve ice cream. Jebus Crimeny! It's ice cream not crack. Shut the fuck up, TMZ. They also ran a teeny tiny photo of Nicole Richie with the headline "Got milk" claiming Nicole " got all jiggly with it" indicating her tits were bouncing in her tank. But, 700 other sites ran the close ups and Nicole had a white bra on under the black tank and she wasn't jiggling crap..she was just taking a walk with her kid.
Fuck you TMZ...I never bother to steal your pics because they always suck. I stole these from D-Listed because even though he talks about his busted asshole every day at least he has the scoop and the photos. TMZ sucks, their live streams never work, their photos are moronic, their text is either stolen or stupid, their headlines run together like some retard on crack, they put a commercial in every film and their TV show is a joke. Whatcha gonna do TMZ? Sic hot surfer boy on me? I'm so scared. Hot surfer boy might slap me wiff his girl hair.
PS...I forgot. TMZ fuck you for not letting C-Man bitch in your comments. He writes better than all you holes put together. I may suck, but, you suck worse. You just have more sucks sucking for you than I do.


Anonymous said...


Dirty Disher said...

I changed it to C-Man in case you got in the middle. You know they gonna gets me!

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely pathetic, thousands if not millions of people eat soft serve everyday and bump day sounds like a cute idea.

I never go to TMZ, and now I never will.

Anonymous said...

Well put DD. From visiting tmz a few times, I got a definite idea of the kind of people who run the site and they seem to have a very poor idea of what popular culture is in north america. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Dishy! Be careful or that smug little shit with a law degree and the initials "H.L." is gonna getcha!

FWIW, I can't wait till that slimy, repugnant, good-for-nothing website and it's 'parasitic twin' of a TV show is history!

Dirty Disher said...

Hughie Lewis? Heh he he!

Anonymous said...

I don't get what the big deal is about TMZ???? I Hate their format.

LOL! about M.K at Dlisted. I love his site but I had to leave because there is One Certain, Angeloonie is so fucking Nuts! I couldn't stand her anymore!!

I love your Blog, D.D, Don't let the Haters get you down my cyber friend :)

btw. Tori Spelling is too FUG for words.

Anonymous said...

haha, Michael K is funny. His, Crabbie's and yours are the only blogs I go to. You all crack me up!

Anonymous said...

they'll sic prince von ahole on you!!!

tmz is starting to annoy me....they've been putting up 'older' news and reporting it as new and a lot of times they are EXTREMELY insensitive when you should NOT be....

i'm just sayin'

Dirty Disher said...

LOL @ Prince Von is it with them and that idiot?????

Anonymous said...

misstia wrote: "they are EXTREMELY insensitive when you should NOT be".
Case in point: Their heartless remarks re: the death of the mother of former AI contestant, Elliot Yamin.
Even when they removed it at the insistence of their readers... no apology ~whatsoever~ was ever offered.

Anonymous said...

von ahole probably PAYS them to give him press! pays with zsa zsa's money that she got from all her exes!

Anonymous said...

Nope, he's got his bown money. Check your facts.