Friday, September 12, 2008

Jessica Simpson's bare butt

Why won't celebrities wear underwear? Why? Are you really so stupid that you think climbing onstage ABOVE the audience with your bare ass hanging out is okay? Really?


Anonymous said...

she did it purposedly cuz that's the only way to draw attention to her 'country' career...

Anonymous said...

She must be wearing a thong. You really don't seem them from that angle, though you sure see them at the top of your jeans.

Anonymous said...

I am sure she is at least wearing a thong too. Thats all I wear & I assure you, I would look naked too if that part of my ass was exposed. Hey, I don't want VPL either!! Especially under jeans & pants. There really is no other way unless you go commando.

Anonymous said...

VPL adds at least 10 pounds girls! Just a side note there.

Dirty Disher said...

No offense to anyone here, but, if that's a thong stuck up in her crack THEN SHE SHOULD WEAR UNDERWEAR!

Unknown said...

Thong under a dress is a no no.

It looks cheap and sleazy, I don't care how good and tight your ass is, it still looks cheap.

Anonymous said...

There ARE other underwear you can donne and isn't going to show through your jeans or add the look of pounds.

And your kidding yourself if your wearing thongs with your jeans thinking your dead sexy and it's showing your arse to best advantage. Your jeans wedge up in the crack and that looks 100 X's worse.

Anonymous said...

I agree, DD, they should be wearing some kind of butt-covering undies for performances.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:43. I wear a 7 in Jr's jeans. My ass looks great in my jeans! What? Are you a fatass? Not my problem! and Waterlilly...a thong under a dress is a no-no only if it shows. How many girls dresses are you peeking under? Stop looking!!!! And all you granny-panty lovers unite! Good for you. Look fat, I don't give a shit. Ask your husband/boyfriend which looks best under your jeans! Look at your ass in a mirror with your big ol' panties on. It's awful and those behind you will appreciate not having to view your entire big ass in a V-shaped frame! With that thick line in the crotch to catch stuff! EW. It's just gross. A thong works fine. And on "What NOT to wear", they always get on the gals with VPL under their pants. It is avoidable.

Anonymous said...

ASSume much 7:52?, seems someone hit a nerve lol.

Unknown said...

I still think it's sleazy. Sue me.


Still sleazy.

Anonymous said...

If she's gonna show it, she needs to firm it up.

Anonymous said...

There ya go, jerry got it right. Whoever's gonna bare it, best make it look good.

Anonymous said...

What is VPL?????

Anonymous said...

What is VPL?????

September 12, 2008 8:38:00 AM PDT

Google it!!!!! 'Cuz I'm not tellin'

Anonymous said...

"I haven't left the house without lycra on these thighs since I was 14!"..."You were raised right!"

Just thot of my Steel Magnolias when I saw her wrinkly-ass/thighs.

Anonymous said...

where are her "people"? How is she just letting anyone aim a camera up her skirt before a performance with that dented ass ass?! yikes, is she even 30?

Anonymous said...

she just needs an eliptical and some weight training to get back her hard ass. Why doesn't she do that? She can't keep a guy. I would be trying every means at my disposal, and that means getting a good body. Even her boobs have inflated. She has really gained weight. She has gotta know she's looking heavy right now. She could be back in shape quickly at her age and she's not fat yet. Just the start of something. Stop it now girl! You career depends on it!

Anonymous said...

she knows she's fat right now, why else would she be wearing that "fat hiding" jacket thingy with that flowery dress? It looks bad, but to her it helps hide the fat I guess. She knows it. We've all done that. She just needs to do something about it. I have seen her in those plaid cowboy shirts lately and she has a double chin and a flopped out belly now too. The girl EATS! She needs to stop it with the crappy food.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dishy,

I feel MUCH better about my own behind now.....

Anonymous said...

Um, not to try to change the subject re. VPL, thongs, commando, etc... but what is even more alarming than the exposed, dimpled cheeks is that god for saken ensemble that she's sporting!!! WTF.

She does seem slightly heavier. Maybe cuz 'she's in love', in case u hadn't heard.