Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kendra gossip

Kendra Wilkinson, is seeing Philadelphia Eagles star, Hank Baskett. Tyler Durden claims the two are secretly engaged. He also says Perez's secret sources are bullshit..you can go to that link to read that. Kendra responded to the rumor (on her My Space) by posting : "hiiiiii just wanna let yall know that i am not engaged! if i was id be very happy though n i wouldnt hide it..hahahahaha!!!!! rumors are sooooooooo fuckin funny. yaa trickk yaaaaaa lololol!! Love is a beautiful thing n i think the world needs more of it. lol.."
Insert some smiley faces there. All you have to do is watch the show to know Kendra isn't having sex with Hef. And she loves sports guys. And that's all I know so far, but, I DO know this. Kendra posted that pic herself. You can't steal a photo off someones My Space, slap your pink ass logo on it and say it's your exclusive. That's lame. Blog wars 101. Duuuh.

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