Friday, January 2, 2009

16 year old Jett Travolta dead

The death today of John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son, Jett Travolta has been confirmed by Rand Memorial Hospital in the Bahamas where the family was on vacation. Jett has long been rumored to have Autism, which Scientology does not recognize or treat, but, the Travolta's maintain that their son suffered from Kawasaki Syndrome caused by chemicals found in products like carpet cleaners.
The Travolta family lawyer, Michael Ossi gave a statement that said Jett had a seizure in the Old Bahama Bay Hotel and attempts to revive him were unsuccessful.
Other sources say a caretaker found his body and he had hit his head on the bathtub during the seizure. Jett was taken by ambulance to a Freeport hospital, where he was pronounced dead. An autopsy is pending. Jett was sixteen years old.


Anonymous said...

It is so sad when something like this happens to someone so young!

Anonymous said...

No worries.
The Scientology experts will have Jett back on his feet in No time!

Anonymous said...

My son has autism and seizures...
he's on medication. I like John
Travolta but in my oppinion its
the parents fault Jett died, the
parents and Scientology are to blame.
I hope they can sleep nights.

Juicestorm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Very sad, I am a huge fan of John's but some of my own family are Scientolgist and died due to no medical treatment. I personally find it very sad that their religious beliefs possibly led to this very sad accident. I still admire John, he's an awesome actor, but am sorry he can't see, religion isn't meant to harm those we love.

Anonymous said...

this is very recent, so not all the info is coming out...but if your son had a seizure disorder would you leave him alone and not check on him that long? they saw him go to a bathroom LAST NIGHT and he wasn't checked on til 10am this morning??? isn't that weird?

and apparently they had a guy who's job was to be a companion to where was he?? no one heard anything?

and even the recent pix of Jett is weird cuz they never usually let him get his pix taken...and all of a sudden they've got him on show???

very very weird....i can't imagine the parents doing something to their son, i really can't...but it just seems weird....

look at how the bahamas deal with unexpected deaths---anna nicole's son....they can be starstruck and rush thru paperwork....

i'm a conspiry theorist at heart...

but it is sad that Jett's life ended so young and he never had a chance to lead a full life away from scientology...

Jerry Cass - Confirmed said...

I remember this rather prophetic post:

Sometimes it sucks to be right, eh, DD?

Anonymous said...

He's better off where he is now.

Anonymous said...

Those bad thetans messed him up good.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where you read that tia, about him not seen till 10am, i read about Jett 5-6 hrs before it was posted here, that timeline doesn't fit.

As for checking on him constantly, he was 16 yrs old, what 16 yr old is checked on every few minutes?

It's more then sad that scientlogy is so backwards and downright neglectful when it comes to some medical treatments. I can't help but feel for them all, you know at somepoint they will question their beliefs & if it had anything to do with their sons death.

The death of a child no matter what their age is a tragic and tough, i can't so easily condem people i don't know as some of you readily did. I can only wish them strenght, love and help to get through this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

There is a mistake somewhere because this story was first reported yesterday late in the afternoon, no way he died 10am this morning.

Anonymous said...

The Travoltas will most likely blame theirselves for the death of there son, and not because it was their fault it's called being a parent they will blame themselves for not doing this or not doing that...its apart of the greiving especially with a child. Children are not suppose to leave this earth before the parents.
It's wonderful to live in a place where you can have choices, where you have the freedom to choose your religion and follow in it's teachings, and its wonderful to live in a country where if you choose not to believe in a god or higher power that no matter what your choice may be you will not be condemned (can you read the sarcasm?)
Their son has passed may they have the strenght to get through this most difficult time.

Anonymous said...

As the parent of a 17 year old son who died tragically and seddenly, I can understand the Travolta's pain. Please visit :

THis website will give you intimate insight into what a family goes through when a beloved child dies suddenly.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the Travolta's let the sinos dictate what treatment this poor kid would or would not receive over his short lifetime. Can't for the life of me understand why both parents would be so ignorant and neglectful as to do that when it is obvious they love their kids. It is the fault of the parents for not looking out for the best interest of this poor dead boy.

Dirty Disher said...

I'm so sorry, 3:15:00 PM ..I couldn't locate your boys site. Do you have a direct link?

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry the poor boy had to die so young.... but the parents have to take part of the blame... because they practice a "religion" which allows them to have total control over a childs illness and the treatments. Jehovahs Witnesses get taken to court constantly in order to get treatment for their children, why not scietologists????
As to "Kawasaki Syndrome" it is not something that lasts from birth to old age.... its an illness that gets treated and the symptoms go away, altho here might be a lasting heart condition if not treated properly. The Travoltas refused to accept their son was autistic and always kept him hidden away... shame on them.

Anonymous said...

One good thing could come out of this (but not for Jett) and that is that the scales of sino-ism could fall from John's eyes and he could come out strongly, with his wife, against the preachings of this "religion", against Tommy Girl and all the sinos. I think that would help others in a big way.

cupcake said...

One of my friends died from having a seizure in a bathtub and hitting his head/drowning. He was an adult and hadn't had any seizures for a while.
Drove with a valid license. It does happen.
I have another friend who is epilectic and also takes baths. I'm not sure what the Travoltas could have done differently, unless Jett needed to be on seizure meds and wasn't.

Anonymous said...

I heard about Jett's death on the news last nite. I can only say that I have read several times before this happened that Jett was not being treated for any problem, eventho one was obvious even to them. Whether or not his death can be attributed to neglect is not really the subject. The subject is could they have added many times over to this boys quality of life with proper recognition and treatment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dd this one worked for me

Anonymous said...


I have an idea too. Shut the fuck up. Last time I checked, there was such a thing as FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
And FYI, this is a celebrity GOSSIP blog. I say, if someone wants to suggest the far-out theory that Jett walked in on his dad and his butt-buddies packing fudge, freaked out, and was subsequently murdered by Travolta & Co. when he threatened to expose the shenanigans---? More power to them!

Anonymous said...

The SADDEST story I ever heard relating to seizures (which my dh has on a regular basis). 6 yrs ago when I was preggers with my first baby, I watched a baby story religiously. One story was about a woman who was expecting her second child. Her fist child had died at 3 months of age, when her husband had a seizure while giving the baby a bath while she was at work- her husband passed as well. Isnt that the saddest story? She had to come home to make the sad. My husband isnt allowed to take baths by the way.
