Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentina Pinault sees ghosts

Salma Hayek says her daughter, Valentina sees ghosts and she communicates with them in French, English and Spanish.
"Last night she saw a ghost. I'm convinced," says Hayek, "Last night she woke up and her eyes were open. And she's looking at one specific point and she's going, 'No no no no, au revoir,' which means goodbye in French ... And she's looking at someone, but there's no one there. I was so scared, and I'm like, 'Yes, au revoir, whoever you are, get out!' And then she started saying it in English: 'Bye bye, bye bye!' I guess she was trying in different languages to see what nationality this ghost was to go away. It was terrifying!"
I see them too, Valentina! Though I'm still not convinced there is such a thing as ghosts. Valentina might see them or she might be farking with her mom's head. She is the child of an actress after all.


Anonymous said...

you aren't convinced there are ghosts DD?

what about visiting spirits? different planes of existence?

Dirty Disher said...

I see them. I hear them. I get paid to relay their messages. I also think I'm nuts.

Anonymous said...'re not nuts! you're gifted!

i wish i could control or turn on/off when i have some 'flashes' of seeing things...can't control it though....

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in "ghosts" because the stories about them are nearly always very negative, and there's much more than negativity in life.

I think there are lots of possible explanations for Valentina's episodes, not just "ghosts".

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I have had several encounters where we live now, and other places. None of them negative, so far. Well, maybe one instance that I am not certain about. I think it could happen.

Anonymous said...

This baby already speaks several languages? Very interesting.

I watch Penn State show about ghost hunting, and while I wish we could somehow talk to people who have passed, I'd be scared out of my mind if somebody I didn't know walked through a door in my home. Wouldn't you guys?

Anonymous said...

Another hollywierd loon.

Anonymous said...

i've seen several times out of the corner of my eye a lady walking from my bathroom to the bedroom...i know she lived here and i heard from her nephew that the lady i saw met her description...doesn't scare me at's her home too...

now a house down the street has a very bad vibe giving man entity in it....THAT would bother me....we don't know if he lived there or not, but he gives off bad vibes, though has never done anything harmful....just appears once in awhile in a dark form...

Anonymous said...

yeah, sure. she just wants to let us know (by way of some fabricated spook story) that her kid (who still has a pacifier in its mouth) can speak 3 languages already & is still in pampers.........
pull the other one ,hayak, this one`s gettin a cramp.

Anonymous said...

Its much easier for small children to learn several languages at this stage of development, then it is for us adults. Not at all suprized with a spanish speaking mother, french speaking father, both of whom speak english that the child knows words in all three.