Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day reminder

Hey, it's Earth Day...yeah, yeah, I know. I'm the poorest person I know, so my carbon footprint can't be reduced any more,'s a GREAT day to go shopping. Companies are giving away free products to show how "green" they are. I got three boxes of Glad zip lock green bags for buying produce and two mesh shopping bags. Which I will actually use when I remember to put them back in the car.
If you can get free stuff for Earth Day in this podunk backwater holler I can only imagine what you could score in a city.
Oh, I just found a list of Earth Day freebies..HERE.


miss tia said...

since i'm a counterrevolutionary bitch, i purposely do ANTI-earth day stuff on earth day.....

i always recycle, usually use the cloth bags, use natural products, etc....but not today! i really abhor the preachy earth day peoples.....

that's just me....and yes, i am quite weird....and....

FUCK AL GORE!!! bet he flew somewhere today in his private jet....

Dirty Disher said...

I hate them too, I just like the free stuff.

Unknown said...

I saw a cute pair of eco jeans for 129.00 from some green company on sale today. Ya right like im going to spend that much on a pair of jeans.

I think earth day is just like every other made up holiday. Its only good for the commercial advertisement companies to sell sell.

miss tia said...

exactly, commercial much ink, paper, plastic they spend with ads, banners, etc??

Anonymous said...

there is free stuff all over here in L.A. Orgins skincare is giving away some stuff too. Whole foods and most other places. But the whole recycling thing is weird here. The night before the cans go out. there are professional trash pickers that pick out all of the plastic and aluminum. they are amazing! 25 bucks a bag to recycle.
bima, thanks for being such nice people!

Dirty Disher said...

I hate all the groups who talk to us like we're to stupid to know what's right. They're just out for money.

escrow said...

If I get some free gas I'd take advantage of free admission to Rocky Mountain National Park 30 miles up the road.

Anonymous said...

Hey DD! Hubs built me 2 big container planters for our front porch last week (still deciding if I'll let it slide as an early Mother's Day present) and today we got everything planted! Veyr apropo that it's Earth Day- didn't plan it like that. We have strawberries, tomatoes, herbs, lettuces, carrots & zuchinis. It's my first attempt at anything like this, I hope it's at least half as successful as your was last year! I will post pics soon.

Also - Uncle's plant has been laid to rest, no one could ever tell me what kind it was (I'm waiting to hear from a co. in UK that I sent pic to) but it died from some kind of bug/pest/mite thing. Very sad, but hopefully I can find another once I know what it is.

Dirty Disher said...

Biz, I'm so pleased you decided to garden! Pics! I'm sorry about your uncles plant. Did you get a cutting off it? Don't give it up though..sometimes if you set a dead plant somewhere dark and ignore it, it will sprout again.

Anonymous said...

DD even the cutting didn't make it and the remains are in the garbage. Once I saw the little bugs I freaked and wanted it out of the house.

Hopefully I can keep our little garden alive better than the plant.


Just saw the anon comment on the post about Ava's Mommy. Responded, but feeling a little disturbed by it. I've stopped commenting here as much just to not get involved with the trolls bs and now I'm being targeted for no reason, I don't understand. Maybe I need to make my page private. You'd have to work aqfully hard to find me based on the little bits I've put out there but the fact that someone has already thought of it has me really pissed. I don't like someone trying to intimdate me.

Maureen said...

Thanks, DD, I just entered all the sweepstakes(?). I wish I knew today was Earth Day, I would have tried to go out and take advantage of the bargains!