Thursday, February 10, 2011

Weird shit in Denver

THIS was an interesting read. Conspiracy theory about the Denver International Airport. Is it the most evil place on Earth..or did they just have a really bad designer?


miss tia said...

whoa.....unbelievable.....that does seem incredibly evil.....

and freemasons scare me....i have never felt such unmitigated terror as when i encountered a freemason convention at the ksu student center one time.....i ran the fuck out of that building the feeling was so horrible.....

Anonymous said...

The most evil thing about this airport is it's lack of good places to eat in-between flight connections. I avoid DIA when I travel for business because it's a boring place to stop over. Now I have another reason to avoid it...creepy shit.


Unknown said...

That is very odd in a Airport. Seriously. Maybe I should give them my piece of art of a skeleton wearing a gas mask and in the mask you see fathom, war, pestilence and destruction. My prof hated it. Gave me A big F.

Anonymous said...

I have been through DIA several times but I am always in a hurry I never take time to look around. Now I really don't want too! Creepy.


Unknown said...

K Ive read some of it. My father has been in that airport not I. I know he said its the worst airport ever. Even though my father is a shriner and a mason. He is not Evil. He has contributed many times over to sick, helpless and injured children/families alike. He also was a roadrunner for the shriners.

My family has been in the mason for generations. They are not the So called "Fear Secret Society". That B.S

SolitaryAngel said...

I was reading a site that talked about underground military bases in America and there's supposedly a huge one underneath DIA.

A-Gran said...

OMG, I'd forgotten about this. Yes, there IS supposed to be a military bunker underneath the airport. I didn't read the article, did it have any of the paintings that got painted over?

Roxanne said...

our company just did furnace & plumbing installations at a "Family Housing" facility near us. Ok, Its actually A FEMA camp, thousands of coffins stored there, for whom? Blade wire fencing, pointing IN, an onsite prison. When we are forced to go to one of these facility's, it s going to be like a concentration camp. I even asked my boss if they installed any gas lines ran into a large windowless room, he said no. This sh** exists and we have no f'g idea when or how they will be used. But population control is a big one right now, and clearing the earth of lesser races also. Some scary as he** sh** is going on right now. Like how Obama was groomed to be president from birth??? WTF? I read it all and believe what makes sense. My g'pa was a Mason as well. He dies when my mom was a child, but he was hi up. I am not scared of them but there symbols can be seen all the way back to ancient Rome & Egypt. So, they are based on pagan beliefs. w/e. I don't care. The same symbols are all over our currency and Christian churches. The Shriners have a wonderful hospital here in Indiana and they helped my nephew who has CP. For free. Hospitalization & surgerys and braces, follow up. I have a pretty strong respect for Shriners. What they choose to do behind closed doors is fine with me as long they keep helping out handicapped children.

Roxanne said...

PS: "lesser races" is not my words, I read it in an article. Strangley enough, that was also used in that article Tia posted about Scientology today. Population control and lesser peoples. Why do churches think they can do w/e they want? They think its o-kee-doe-kee too. Someone needs to smash huge ass churches and the rich SOB's running them. Hypocrites!!! Don't get me started, I will get on a roll. LOL

sally said...

Very interesting! Have never been to the Denver airport but if I ever get there I will be sure to look around. Found it interesting that the article states:

"To sum up, those murals clearly depicted admitted goals you can read in documents calling for a New World Order:

Massive depopulation of the earth

Death of Judeo-Christian beliefs

One World goverment

Restauration of nature"

-----I don't know, but that doesn't sound all that bad to me! People are the scourge of the earth after all. (just go to a few weddings! ;-)

Roxanne said...

The San Diego Naval Air base is equally as creepy. Look at the views from above the area. CREEPY! Why is this necessary? Or allowed? Wow, who IS running this country?

Anonymous said...

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

CJ said...

Saw a show on the History channel (?) last month about the Denver airport... underground tunnels leading to secret underground installations around the Denver area. Supposed to be used for 'certain' government officials if ... the attack comes. Impenetrable steel doors, armed security guards, on duty 24/7/365. Stocked with enough food & water for many months (if not years) able to produce their own oxygen. Don't think any of us are getting an invite :(

Bayou Jane said...

It seems to me that masons get the same respect that is given to witches. What people don't understand, they fear. My dad was a Mason and a Shriner and he worked very hard for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Believe me, they don't have cloven hooves!

Heidi said...

I am going to be visiting my friend in September in Denver. I am having a mini anxiety attack about it. The place is so huge, you have to take a tram to baggage claim!
Now Freemason, end of the world bullshit mixed in??

Roxanne said...

All you need is faith, trust and Pixie Dust!
Carry some with you and sprinkle it w/o anybody knowing, where you want to feel safer.
Easy to make, requires magical "Wishes" glitter, the recipe is online.

Anonymous said...

Even if you had a secret agenda why would you commission these murals? They are creepy on every level.


Unknown said...

The murals themselves are highly disturbing and OMG UGLY, and they shouldn't be displayed at such international airport, there's no doubt about that-they're too grim and depressing; however, more disturbing are the interpretations from people. For example in the comments, that lady who mentioned the "little American black boy in suit and tie that looks like a lawyer standing behind the American boy scout" (paraphrasing) on the second mural. It's not a black boy and he's not wearing a suit and a tie, it's a Mexican Charro and he's wearing the Charro outfit (see the big Mexican hat on his back and the enormous red bow-tie). That proves that it's *mostly* in the eye of the beholder... It's clear that whomever commissioned this work wanted to cause controversy, the message is not exactly subliminal-pretty much in your face, it's so blunt that I don't consider it to be any kind of conspiracy. And it's ugly.

I have seen fine art as equally as disturbing- the "Garden of Earthly Delights" comes to mind...that shit scared the living hell out of me when I saw it the first time in an Arts History book when I was 14.