Friday, March 21, 2008

Rest In Peace Molly

We are all so sorry that Molly is gone. Molly was a part of this site and a Sunday star. Rest in peace, pretty Molly.


Amy said...

What happened? I thought she was a pretty young dog.

Anonymous said...

Whos dog was she? So sad, such a cutie too :*(

Dirty Disher said...

Miss Tias dog, Molly who was hit by a car and passed.

Anonymous said...

That gave me a big smile on my face. She was adorable. I am so sorry about this. I know it happened over a week ago but I really enjoyed the video. Thanks DD & MissTia. That was precious. XXOO for Molly <3

Anonymous said...

thanks for the post. i appreciate it....i know Molly is running with other dogs and deer right now and is happy...

i made a molly memorial page and link to other people's molly memorial posts on their journals and to the molly memorial youtube channel i made...i have really appreciated all the support and love shown to molly....

Anonymous said...

So sorry about Molly, I know how it feels to lose a pet, its like losing a child. She is running carefree now with all the new animal friends she's made :)

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you, Miss Tia. It's like losing a child!! I hope you can find comfort in your happy memories of your beloved Molly!



Anonymous said...

thank you everyone for your kind has helped immensely and i can't thank everyone enough...

Unknown said...
