I was ignoring this, because I don't care..CNN's Richard Quest was stopped by cops, wondering around in Central Park and he said "I have meth in my pocket." He did and was busted. Stupid, but, who cares? THEN the police say when he was searched for the meth he busted himself with, they found out he had a rope around his neck and it was tied to his genitals. Quest also had a sex toy stuck in his boot.
Let me get this straight (no pun intended)...this dude noosed himself and tied the other end to his dick. Then he snorted some blow and tucked a plastic tally wacker or butt plug or something similar in his boot and took a stroll in central park. He's agreed to 6 months of drug counseling. Call me crazy, but, I don't think drugs are his problem. CNN doesn't want to talk about it. No shit. Britney might be peeing in a gas station today.
He's ready for Hollywood!. This guy is a Britton who used to work for the BBC. Cnn picked him up to anchor a show and be a news reporter..oops. What a description of events. This guy is a one-man-threesome. Somwhere Perez wishes he had been there before the cops.
i'm sure there was no pun intended when you said "no shit".... :)
gives new meaning to the term 'tally-whacker'...This is 1 sick cookie!!
i heard the toy was concealed elsewhere.......boot, butt, same diff
Can't limbo with a rope knotted around your biz! Pervy McPerv!
Just stare at that pic of him!! I wanna photoshop a rope around his neck!!! ewwwww.
Just stare at that pic of him!! I wanna photoshop a rope around his neck!!! ewwwww.
So that's where my tally whacker got off to...
He even looks pervy
How hilarious, what a tool.
Several years ago, there was another British journo who was found dead in his flat with a rope around his neck, a bag over his head, dressed in women's lingerie. I can't remember his name. It wasn't murder, but "sexual misadventure". Shortly after he was found, the British press buried the story; maybe because he was "one of them". If he had been a politician, they would've run the story forever.
Dick Quest (OMG) may get the same kid glove treatment from the MSM, but he's had the misfortune to be caught in the time of internet.
Talk about throwing your life away with both hands. I don't understand the self destructive bent some people have. Even if you want to do something weird, doesn't common sense tell you to go to a private venue, rather than Central Park?
Stupid twisted fag....
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