Monday, May 26, 2008

Brooke Hogan in a car crash

Brooke Hogan was involved in a car crash Sunday. No charges have been filed against her or the driver of the car that hit her 2008 Mercedes and no one was injured. Brooke blogged about it...
Seatbelts saved MY life today…
What happened to my brother and our friend John was horrible and very hard for both of our families. But I truly believe my brother and John saved My life and my best friends life…. I don’t know if you heard, but my friend and I got into a really bad car accident today ourselves… As I turned on my car I clicked my seat belt. As we pulled out onto the road, I looked over and realized my friend didn’t have her seat belt on. I reminded her to put it on and the minute she clicked it, a car crashed into us. It was a horrible car accident, one that most would be severely hurt in, but we had our seat belts on and they kept us in tight. I have to thank my brother and my best friend John for teaching me an important lesson that saved our lives.
Celebitchy pointed out that she capitalized the MY, like she's so much smarter than John Graziano and that he's to blame for being in a coma after crashing with her brother, Nick. I agree. She's not bright. She has since deleted the post. She does that a lot. Writes really moronic shit and then deletes it. You can read it all there because I don't care about her or her creepy family. BTW, 20 year olds don't deserve new Mercedes cars.
Note: Just for the giggles I have to tell you that Perez is reporting the it was Hulk Hogan who crashed by rear ending someone. Ha wish Mario.


Anonymous said...

ever hear of the copy shop 'kinko's'? one of the founders live in a city by me....he & his partner sold their interest in the company years ago and got MILLIONS....when his daughter was turning 16 he called her and asked her what color cadilac she wanted for her birthday!!!

the hogans all need to go away....

Anonymous said...

She actually said the she was in a "real bad accident". By the look of the photos it was only her front bumper that was damaged. The hood of the car is not even wrinkled. She (he?) is so delusional that she/he has to sensationalize everything. This perennial F-lister will have to one day recognize that the only reason people call her a celebrity is because of her Dad. It looks in the photo like her Mom is accusing her of taking her short shorts and lip gloss. If they make another reality show they should have John Grazziano's trust credited as a producer and use the income to pay his medical bills. It's the least they could do after Nick's irresponsible street racing and Hulk's failure to hold him accountable. Wrestlers have no problems with accusing the sport for their injuries.

Anonymous said...

Her life was in danger? Looks to me like the only thing in danger was the bumper.

Dirty Disher said...

The Hogans will probably have John Grazziano star in it as Nicks comatose side kick with witty thought bubbles drawn over his head.

Anonymous said...

Real bad accident ?? We had more damage to our car when we hit a deer one night ! We couldn't even get the doors open . Give me a break !!! These people should just quietly move to another country !!!

Dirty Disher said...

I had a deer hit me once. I was stopped at a stop sign, deer comes hell or highwater out of a ditch, smacked the drivers side door and knocked itself out. Not kidding.

Anonymous said...

adding onto DD's idea of having John be Nick's could be like "weekend at John's" and nick could drag john around...i could sooooooooo see the hogans thinking that's a brilliant idea...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they could rename him Matt, and lay him in front of the door.

Anonymous said...

Gee, is this Karma?

Anonymous said...

Linda & Hulk are both there? They both must still live close by. & if thats just at the end of their driveway, dayum! The ocean is at their driveway? *sobs*...why do undeserving, incredible assholes always, always get to be the ones that either inherit it all or have it handed to them? Oh well, at least there are no comas to report this time. Brooke is never gonna be able to ditch her parents, so she will always be single. & I agree, I was thinking, "Serious accident"? Is she kidding? It probably shocked & surprised her and she was happy it wasn't her fault. If it had been she would have played down how serious calling it not bad or minor. It wasn't that bad. I've seen worse & she seems fine, so w/e. thats what insurance is for, but the Hogans probably don't have coverage anymore, so cough up a new bumper somebody! dad?

sennakesavan said...

I don't know why these accidents are happening. If they drived carefully i hope it might not happen.
Most of the accidents are happening due to OVERSPEED. Life is in our hands.

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