I would rather live next door to Archie Bunker than deal with some of the people I have to deal with. They makes me so tired and disgusted I can't even blog today. I spent my whole afternoon the other day listening to someone telling me how open minded they are. She said her husband is a bigot, it's so shameful to her. She likes black people, she even knew a black person personally once. She knows I'm a Pagan so she spent an hour telling me how she belives in god, but, she thinks everyone has the right to thier own beliefs. Even people like me. She recently went on a trip and her husband joked about her seeing some crazy homosexuals in the city. She told me how she educated him by explaining to him that homosexuals have a right to be "that way" and live their life as long as they aren't child molesters. A lot of them are though, but, not all of them, isn't that awful? She said it was all silly anyway, because she didn't even see any homosexuals in the city.
This world has lost all common sense and I am so tired of people. I liked Archie Bunker. No one had to explain things to Archie and he didn't waste your time.
when's your birthday? usually people are at their lowest before their birthday---energy reserved sapped basically....
almost halloween!!!
i would have told that woman that jesus sucks ass!
Honestly, I hear you. I'm from a completely different walk of life to you, I'm 29 and live in NZ. But I had the thought the other day, as a friend has asked me to do something I didn't want, and now that displeasure was doubled by the fact I'd then been asked to do something by another friend that I really did want to do but couldn't, even though first friend was now stuffing me around... anyway, had the thought that I don't really like people. I WANT to like people, I want to be one of those people that everyone always comments on being so nice, so friendly, but since most people are idiots in some way, I don't think I'll ever get there.
I think a birthday indeed is coming up. :-)
Dam stupid people.
My son invited me to eat lunch today at school. It was casual Friday I guess. Not Business casual but blue jean day. UGH! The lunch room monitor is having trouble with crowd noise. mind you this is first and second graders. Poor woman is yelling her head off about proper ketchup use and the terrible noise. I see my own boy sigh and shake his head. He at 7 has this figured out.
I wonder when I get to my car. I'm wearing slacks and a jacket not necessary but is was handy and clean. I out dressed every adult at school today.
I have taught school before and I understand the need to be comfortable for the rigors of the school day. I'm not sure Jeans and t-shirts are appropriate. Maybe people in positions where their authority is constantly challenged should try dressing the part all the time.
Would the lunch room have been so disorderly if the lunch room monitor was in a suit and tie or business dress? I wonder? Could teaching kids respect start with something as simple as an outfit? I wonder?
So agree, people are just assholes.I used to work in a charity office (MDA in Amherst, NY) and the so-called bosses would spend their days texting and calling their friends and families on company time. The two women even spent 3-4 hours a day running errands for their upcoming weddings, making 1000's of personal xerox copies,searching the internet or doing nothing each day except sit. The male jerk off boss is a pompous asshole who does nothing except hang in his office talking to his buddies or has 2 hour lunches with his friends. Now this is a charity office (Jerry Lewis Fund). To think that these people are technically scamming the public into thinking that they are working hard for public donations etc and all they are doing is using company time and money to goof around is disusting. A person has to be pretty low to be using a charity office
for their own personal needs.
Common sense should be renamed "uncommon sense".
I know I'm generalizing but it seems people think edgy and extreme is the necessary mindset. When did being your own individual without testing limits to the death become less compelling? People lack common sense. The combination of extreme + brainless gets us all kinds of stupidity. Everything is extreme. People can't just disagree anymore. They have to rope as many idiots into their drama as they can. When life doesn't hand them enough drama they create it.
People are desensitized to the degree of extreme we have now. Seriously, who needs to see a surviving by biting the head off a lizard and eating it? I don't. It crosses the line. Good for him if he did because he had to and saved his life but I think it's messed up to think that's entertainment.
When did living your life by principle get canceled in favour of living life by rules? We lost principles when we lost common sense so 'they' had to come up with rules. Rules are limiting and rigid and made to be broken or at least facilitate the inclination to look for loopholes and the only ones really benefiting by that are lawyers.
I don't see it improving but I'm optimistic we'll survive somehow and the kindred spirits left out there will find each other and gather in corners for warmth. You know? Like this corner here.
There have always been complete idiots and people keep finding more ways to be completely idiotic. Humans are consistent like that. The movie 'Idiocracy' seems more familiar than not, which is scary.
People spend a lot of time fretting about other people who aren't exactly like them (race, sexual orientation, Cubs fans, etc) when they should be minding their own business. Honestly, I think religious people spend more time thinking about sex, especially of the anal variety, than porn stars. They're obsessively dirty-minded. If they would take the amount of time they spend thinking about, talking about, protesting against sex and sexual practices and spend it working to inoculate Africa against Malaria or feeding starving children, those things would no longer be in existence. I really do not like a great deal of people.
Why did you spend a whole afternoon? Was she one of your clients? Can't stand people who spend their time showing you how open minded they are because they so badly want to be liked or judged OK and everything you hear makes your skin crawl. Sorry, DD, what a shitty afternoon for you. Do you have Lis this week-end? If so, I hope she brings her beautiful crazy sense of humour and let's you have a good laugh.
maybe you can plan a vacation for yourself,solo or maybe with Lis. You need to get away and clear yur mind... the worlds fucked up but you can't let these ass wipes affect your little world. fuck em and take a vaca man
crabbie your cute
hehe. You really think that's crabbie?
Oh, ugh, DD, that woman sounds ridiculous. Her attitude is so condesending. "I like gay people. Seriously, I think I even might have talked to one once. Wow, I am so enlightened. I can't believe how accepting I am of people who are different." I know people like that and they are so annoying, they think they should get medals for not being hateful.
Myself, my brother's gay and I don't give a flying fuck. And I don't consider myself super-enlightened or understanding just because I don't care that he's gay. That's so dumb.
Bored, you need to put the bug into some higherup's ear. They are stealing from kids by not being productive. Don't think of it a "ratting someone out", think of it as saving a kids life. If you know this and don't report it, are you then part of the problem?
Noelle, where were the teachers? In every primary school I know of, the teachers (and their paras) in the k-4 have to eat with their kids. One monitor can not watch a cafeteria full of kids effectively (as you saw). If the teachers don't eat with their kids, I would suggest you ask the principal why!
It's also a question of safety!
Frimmy, I agree with you 100%. Common sense seems to be something of the past. Everything seems to rotate around "impulse". As for rules, those same people are the last ones to think about rules. (And I have to admit, I sometimes break rules--especially if I think they're stupid.) Try teaching 7th graders common sense. Isn't that something that parents should do?
Hi Pat. I hope you find a little break soon!.
She is an asshole Pat.
She will probably always be an asshole.
Samhain and Halloween are coming Pat. You have that to look forward to.
Thanks bored. I've posted on her about that organization and what rip off assholes they are. It's great to hear the truth from someone who knows.
Noelle, your kid can't be 7 already. No way. OMG.
And no, she wasn't a client or I would have told her to fuck off. It just seems to me that 99% of the world is STOOPID. It depresses me, I'm losing the ablility to talk. What's the point??
You can't know ALL the assholes. The one's I have to deal with make the worst kind of people look sane.
DD, I hated every minute I worked there and the sad fact is that the so-called bosses are still there and doing the same thing.
It's a shame.
So... you are a "pagan" and that is ridiculous. Not even amounting to anything and totally not respected OR recognized. Just stupid.
You go off on someone for being all "archie bunker" yet in the above post ridicule a Kardashian for dating a black guy.
I stopped giving to charities 15 years ago. What a waste of money. I give money straight to panhandlers, if I think they need it (I know, some make more than I do in a day!)
I wish ex-employees would talk more about this. I wonder if there are any good charities.
6:28:00 I should have said RICH black guy, since that's all Kim or Khloe will date, big giant black guys with no IQ who make 30 mil plus per year. As for your Pagan comment, you are just retarded.
Forty years later we still live in a world where people would watch "All in the Family" and not understand that Archie is a caricature of Joe Blow average white bread bigot asshole, not someone to be admired and emulated.
It doesn't seem like people have evolved much: They still say and do stupid, bigoted things and use religion as an excuse (Here's a hint: When your religion encourages you to kill or hate an entire group of people, you are in THE WRONG RELIGION, ASSHOLE) They are still so easily manipulated by rich white men who could not give half a runny shit about them personally but tell them they're great and they're right (beloved "small town values", anyone?), lie to them and scare the shit out of them, all to forward their rich, white, agenda.
I wish "with age comes wisdom" were really true. Grown-ups are as full of shit as kids, usually more so.
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