Springfield, Virginia resident Eric Williamson was arrested for indecent exposure after a woman and a child saw him nude in his kitchen making coffee early in the morning. Parents are outraged because there is a school bus stop across the street. You need to go HERE and watch both clips and then tell me what you think. I really want to know your take on this.
I'm getting really sick of people acting like the human body is disgusting and shameful.
I cant believe this is our tax dollars at work....Did they solve all of the other crimes in this town, so now they spend their time doing this?
I really can't say anything bad about him at this point. Did he have a history of this? How long has he lived there with nothing like this happening before?
It also states the mom who complained was CUTTING across HIS yard with her child. Don't look in someones window then.
Couldn't see the other clip, but if the people that saw him were in his yard, they should be arrested for trespass. Some people just go out looking for trouble, grrr...
That's not right. How about the mom and kid get arrested for being peeping toms?
Just from what I've on this site, I don't think they should make such a big deal out of it. Simply ask him to keep his curtains closed when he wants to romp around naked. It's his house and who hasn't streeked through their own home at some point.
And, if he wanted, he could always come back with trepassing. She was in his yard---was she invited?
Another point, if he was in the habit of exposing himself across the street from a bus stop, something would have been said long before now!
Sounds like this woman is one of those parents who has a special snowflake child who musn't dare see anything that may shock or upset him, ever.
I feel sorry for kids with parents like that. One day these kids will be in for a rude awakening, and will have no idea how to handle it.
well, they stepped on his ground, so had no right to complain in the first place.
And not being allowed to be naked in your own home? That is completly fucked up. If you don't want to see naked people, don't invade their privacy.
Completely agree w/ Bayou jane.
As long as it wasn't intentional, this guy has every right to puruse his own has in the nude. A simple "keep your drapes closed" would've sufficed from this complaint. The fact that the woman who filed the complaint is married to an officer makes me raise my brow...
Must have been Kate Gosselin who filed the report. Her 15 minutes are almost up and she's feeling the pain! People are idiots. Dude was making his freakin' coffee!!
You can't fix stupid, can ya??
This is quite disturbing to me. What is next? Arresting people for wearing suggestive clothes? This, if these are the only facts in the case, is an outrage. Amazing how the police are canvassing the neighborhood and the complaintant just happens to be the wife of one of the police officers. So much bullshit.
man, i'd be in big trouble there. i love to strut around nakey.
They were in HIS yard!! And what does it matter if he was drunk?? He was in HIS house. I'm no attorney, but I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to be naked or drunk in your own home.
And is it a coincidence that a town cops wife called in the "offense"?
And shame on those newscaster for lighting breezing by the fact that a) the woman was in his yard and b) she's a police officers wife.
Poor guy.
They were in HIS yard!! And what does it matter if he was drunk?? He was in HIS house. I'm no attorney, but I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to be naked or drunk in your own home.
And is it a coincidence that a town cops wife called in the "offense"?
And shame on those newscaster for lighting breezing by the fact that a) the woman was in his yard and b) she's a police officers wife.
Poor guy.
ROFL ALison.. Snowflake..hahaha
If he is in his own house he can be as nakie as he wants to be.
She should have kept her eyes on her own business.
Next we will all be forced to wear those Snuggly thingys in the shower for fear of freaking out a Daddy Long legs.
I honestly have to say that I feel that lady was aroused and felt guilty about it later.
Also I'd bet her husband has a very small penis.
Oh please!! The only reason why the police are involved is because some dumb woman, who probably has not gotten laid in 7 years, is the wife of a policeman. What the hell was she doing staring at this guy anyway? Fantasizing? I think he is a cute and maybe her hubby is a typical bald out of shape cop.
I hate women like this. Always judging others for their sins, when their own sins are much, much worse.
i kinda wish he was nakid in my house
He says he made coffee at 5:30 a.m.--that was when the "second" woman saw him. What was she doing looking in his window at that hour?
The woman who made the complaint says 8:30 when she was walking her child to the bus stop. It would have been light out, no? So unless someone was really trying to see in the windows, it would have been difficult to see him.
He sounded believable to me, but anything involving children should be of concern. I think it could have been quietly and discreetly investigated since there is a school bus stop within view.
That said, I have a feeling it's a witch hunt. I hope we learn the outcome.
Three things disturbing here. The ridiculous overreaction to nudity.
The trespassing and peeping. Seriously! The stupid police!
That women should have grabbed her child by the hand and said "oops he could have his drapes closed, and WE should not be in his yard." Kids don't think another thing about nudity unless adults overreact. Geez...... What a shame.
Well I suppose a certain level of modesty is in order. Looking at the picture you posted. The windows behind him would offer a plain view. So if your standing there naked you must have to assume that you could be seen. We all run around naked, but do we do it with curtains open? I'm not defending the woman, that's for sure. But sometimes people need to use their brains, even if they are proud of their bits!
Also on that note, I think that he should have just been warned to shut his curtains. And if no other instances come up, than no big deal!
If he was sitting on his porch drinking a cup of coffee in the buck then I could see the issue! It doesn't seems from the descriptions like he was grandstanding and trying to draw attention to himself, it seems like he was making coffee without his shorts on......
Sounds like that lady should be in trouble more. SHE IS A PEEPING TOM.. Invasion of privacy.. its not like he was sitting in the window pointing down to his firehouse saying hey look at this. He didn't go out side either nude.. Gezz WTF people.. Its his house keep the F off the lawn and let him be himself.Better yet punishment can be buy better curtains. Simple case solved.
I'm afraid this is what our country is coming to . . .you can't walk around naked in your house?? WTF??? Stupid.
Good..everyone thoought the same thing I did. And isn't it interesting how the first clip painted him as a pervert and the next clip didn't?
He looks like Jason Lee (aka Earl). Mommy likey - he can come make coffee in the buff for me any morning.
LOL mommy likey.
If he were looking for people to be seeing him, then standing there waving his weenie, then he would have been wrong. Anything short of that she not be an issue, and they should apologize to him and leave him alone.
And, enough about children being traumatized. In past years, many of us had some experience with weenie wavers. I did when I was a young teenager. I just called police, reported it, they picked the guy up because he was stupid enough to go to the same place every day to perform. Police took care of it in courts, I never had to be involved because police caught same thing I saw, and it was over. When I was even younger, at the Saturday afternoon movies, some perverted old man wanted to feel me up, and bought my older sister candy to look the other way and felt me up. That one wasn't reported because my sister threatened my life. (nice person she was!) Only problem for me was I remember it. But I was not emotionally scarred or destroyed in any way. Kids shouldn't be exposed. But they are resilient.
They need to leave the guy alone. Because his neighbors and people in that town will always associate that with him, even though he is innocent. What damage can be done with our tongues!
If you wanna look, you will see somebody naked, at some time, in their own house. We think we have some nudists down the road from us. Don't care. Big deal. But my grown daughter saw them in the window when we drove by one night and they had their lights on and there were several naked adults in the house with the big picture window wide open. Totally naked, men & women. Who cares? I was laughing and said "Hey! I didnt see!, I'm going back around!" She almost died of shame that I was going back by & we didnt go back. I was just messin with her. We live way out in the country. People are naked at home, duh!!! And sometimes their guests are naked too. LOL!!
PS: If a man (accidentally)saw a woman naked in her own home, do you think he'd be reporting it??? Hellz no!
Barb!!! LMAO..."waving his weenie"???! Gawd...
Looks like we got ourselves a trespassing peeping Thomasina on our hands with a heavy dose of Dana Carvy's Church Lady thrown in for good measure.
That guy is kinda hot. I would totally stare if he lived across the street from me. People need to get over it, that's so much bullshit, and coincidence the bitch is married to a cop, so not biased, huh! I hope the Aclu steps in on this.
Hubs and I prance around naked at home. We make coffee naked, and eat breakfast naked, nothing you'd like to see other than boobs and peen. We have an outside shower here where we live. We like to scare the deer and the coons with our nakkidness.
I hoped they also called the FBI, CPS, and PETA.
Wasn't she the same woman that was peeing on my tire in the parking lot?
Oh yeah! And the horror, the guy was drunk IN HIS OWN HOME!
Living in Europe, I was really embarassed about this..the news has gone on and on about how "uptight" Americans are..he's in his own home, not flashing anyone in the street, right? Totally puritanical and ridiculous! If you want to be naked in the privacy of your own house (alone) what's the big fricking deal?!? The woman who reported him either needs to get a life or get laid!!LOL
Wow. That is all I can say. I walk around naked in my house and so does my husband - guess we need to be more careful now with the daylight starting later and sun setting sooner... WTF is wrong with these people?!?!?! I'm sure the kid would have not seen or reacted if the stupid mother had not drawn his attention to it. I agree with the person who said she must have enjoyed the sight, then felt guilty, then needed to atone her sins and go around bothering everyone. I would have said that it was a slow news day but it has been covering the internet...
I mean, if the guy has a habit of strutting his stuff in front of the window, exposing his genitals for all to see the, yes, there might be an issue. But, then, why has nobody ever reported him before? He's obviously been living there for some time - if he is not perv, can you imagine how it must make him feel? What about how the mother of his daughter? Pisses me the fuck off. Here's hoping he's no perv...
I would like a cup of coffee and a weenie. No tresspassers, though.
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