I think it's a damn sad shame that I am this old and I've finally figured out that mean, greedy, lying whores rule the world. No one else has a chance in hell. So, fuck being nice. If you irritate me I will slap you silly. SHUT UP, I AM TALKING.
I need a few love offerings to buy the pictured property. This piece of shit house is horrendously horrendous. It only has 5 crummy bedrooms, but, I suppose I can live in it TEMPORARILY until you, my public, buys me a new one. And I hope to crap you get off your lazy ass's and do that soon. And you can't possibly expect me to clean this dump myself so I will expect a maid, and she'd damn well better know how I take my morning coffee. If I have to leave more than one post it note per subject..heads will role.
Now let's go over my daily routine. Everyone knows that on weekends I am responsible for one child. You have never walked in my shoes and you have no idea what I go through. I will need child care, so please take that expense into consideration when making out your check. I really get so exhausted trying to explain my needs to you. It's like you don't even know how to help me. On Wednesdays I pick up a child at school..obviously I need transportation. And don't try and palm off some used vehicle on me either. Honestly! You should be more concerned with my safety. I will only accept a brand new vehicle and my favorite car color is black. I will not be explaining this again.
Do you know that there are people who are questioning my needs and my requests? Yes. And to those people I say, you have no idea how hard it is to put out a blog. No idea at all. And since technology made it possible for me to have this blog, society is responsible for me. To the rest of you, I accept Pay Pal. Typing all this was exhausting and now I need a nap.
Do you need a new plastic lawn chair too?
You've got to be willing to wear a dead possum on your head before we accept your demands.
How do we know when Pat has REALLY lost it??
why do you let these low life TV people effect your state of mind? You are so angry about it.
Sorry DD, won't be writing that check just yet, This property is still overpriced by about $50k.
How do you find out how much they are selling it for anyway?? I'm guessing they want 550,000??
What I don't get is why they don't just lower the price. All the renovations were paid for by TLC, so how much can they owe on this house? I also think Jon should move into it, at least until the market picks back up. If he did that, he could get his dogs back. Nothing these people do makes any sense.
Hey Pat, all you have to do is break in and claim it. It would take them at least 90 days to evict you. It's some squatter law, go for it!
That house has always reminded me of the older metal dollhouses by Marx toys. I bought one off of ebay that I have stored away.
Last I heard, they were asking $375K for the house? They better hold on to it as they might have to move out of the big house.
Chrissy said...
You've got to be willing to wear a dead possum on your head before we accept your demands.
I agree. Let's see it. Come on, my chequebook is ready!
(How do we know when Pat has REALLY lost it??) It do make ya wonder. I'd say I really have, but, no one believes me.
I DID take a nap though.
Yeah, I'm with Chrissy...show us the dead possum (or chicken!) first! ;). Funny, I thought they unloaded that albatross already. I will give them the lint from my bellybutton for it!! Hey, I think that's pretty reasonable...;).
10G (Gina)
Chrissy, I loved the remark about the possum. But it makes me wonder if YOU and PAT might both need a little vacation. But on the plus side, I don't see any neighbors or relatives anywheres around and if you work it right, you could be there quit a while before anyone knows you're there.
I have to hand it to you Pat, you have Kate's attitude down to a "T." All you need now is that nasty Kate hairstyle wig.
Thats what sucks about this world. Mean cunts and lazy assholes who scammed the nation have everything and the good ones are barely getting by.
I'm surprised the neighbors haven't torched the place yet. THEY don't want the Gosselins returning to the 'hood.
What's even worse than Kate's attitude is that there are people who enable her. They really believe her "Wah, I'm just a tired single mom who needs free stuff" shit.
Kate reminds me a lot of Jennifer Aniston actually, and her fans remind me of Jennifer's rabid anti-Angelina fans. Both Kate and Jen are way richer and privileged than most people will ever be but they do nothing but endlessly whine about their situations. And people actually buy it and say "Oh, I feel sorry for her." WTF. Go visit a childrens' cancer ward if you want to feel sorry for somebody. Honest to God. I don't get it. There are so many victims in this world and yet people feel sorry for famewhores like these women.
And don't try and palm off some used vehicle on me either. Honestly! You should be more concerned with my safety. I will only accept a brand new vehicle and my favorite car color is black.
According to a source, she refused the first van because it was burgundy, and she doesn't like burgundy.
DD, I read this post and laughed hysterically out loud. Thanks for the laugh - I needed it after the hell of a week I have had. Have you ever worked for a sociopathic bully? That's my world at work these days....
I looked yesterday at the latest price for the House of Horrors and it is now $299,000 (originally $350,000 when the two imbeciles put it on the market in January or whenever it was).
I guess the shit's not over yet. Kate is looking for a new house to continue filming. Here is the article...
Kate Gosselin to Continue with Kate Plus 8?
Atlanta, GA 10/22/2009 10:15 PM GMT (TransWorldNews)
Kate Gosselin is reportedly determined to go forward with her TLC show Kate Plus 8 despite her estranged husband’s efforts to stop it. Sources say Kate has enlisted TLC’s help in finding her a new home for filming.
“Kate wants a new house for a fresh start. She doesn’t want to get dragged into court every other month because Jon keeps claiming he has ownership of the house,” says an insider.
After TLC dropped him from Jon and Kate Plus 8 and announced they were revamping the show for Kate only, Jon Gosselin issued a cease and desist order that banned their film crews from entering the Pennsylvania home he shares with Kate. The order caused TLC to canceling filming on the show.
monicaw42, i agree...looks like a metal dollhouse i had as a kid!!!
Actually the house started out at 399k because it was the J&K+8 house and would come with an autographed pic of them. It is over priced by 50-70k based on comps in the area.
Now they are shopping for another house? That woman and her TLC bank rollers are completely insane.
For your "love offering", do you take, charge? check? cash? coupon?
I just read that they still have the cable and phone line working in the E-town house.
This post was funny but to me also had a disturbing undertone. If I remember correctly DD is a scorpio. Given that knowledge I would never want to cross her. NEVER EVER. I, too, am a scorpion and fit the description to a T. DD can be the most loyal friend but you never want to screw her over. "nough" said.
The cheque is in the mail, DD.
Matilda, I'm a Scorpio too and I co-sign what you just wrote.
Good call Matilda.
Pat... I have a lot of respect for the unique personality traits of a scorpion. Whenever I meet one I walk softly and stay on my toes. LOL
I'm a Virgo. It sucks. Virgo's main traits are being a hypochondriac and a worrywort. Also who wants to walk around with anything peronsalized to say VIRGO THE VIRGIN, that's just asking for it.
DD I would love to see you post on astrology. I think astrology is really neat, even if I got stuck being a Virgo.
"Personalized". Sorry.
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