Witches weren't always ugly green hags. Back in the Victorian times people used to send each other these charming witch cards with love spell to celebrate Halloween. The top one is the apple peel spell. You peeled and apple and threw the peels over your shoulder and the peel formed the initial of your true love. My Grandma taught us kids a variation where we'd twist the stem of a ripe apple, giving a letter to each twist. When the stem came off, that was the initial of the man you would marry.
The other spells are explained on the cards. Pretty cute ideas for a kids party, huu?
The other spells are explained on the cards. Pretty cute ideas for a kids party, huu?
I remember the twisting of the apple stem, trying to twist gently so not to pass the letter of who the crush was on that hour, day, week or season.
OHHHHHHH, me too. It was a bitch when you had a crush on someone with a Z name.
I did the quarter twist, letting the stem slip a little bit to make it look like a full twist. Cheating on my love spell...LOL
Yes, we did the same thing when I was growing up.
I still do it . . . .
Maybe I am too young to have heard about the twisting of the stem to spell your husband's name. I twist the stem but I make a wish. If the stem breaks clean from the apple, you get your wish. Guess there are always different versions of things.
I did the apple stem thing too, and when it got to the right letter, you would YANK it off!!!!!
Yep lucky for me the only boy that I knew whose name began with Z was Zander in the 5th grade don't remember if dark bushy uni-brows were popular in 77/78 just know I wasn't to in to them and if I remember correctly he and his friend Andrew or Steve (don't really remember) they would go around humping post and trees and the baseball thingy in the field.
Boys were weird when I was growing up.
OHHH but I do remember Ricky Rache now that boy was yummafied delicious.
That brings back a lot of memories. Pat, those pics you put up remind me of old Victorian style Valentines Day cards. I always thought those were so pretty.
Never did the apple stem thing--but those cards are beautiful! Thanks for posting, Pat (I now want to call you "Patty". But you'll hurt me if I do that, won't you? ;). It's cool.)!! Love spells are kewl. I love Halloween more than Christmas, you know? It's not as cold, free candy abounds, and there not so much pressure to find the PERFECT gifts!! Krikey....
10G (Gina)
those cards are charming!!!
I too would like to put in a vote for Halloweeen over Christmas! Christmas has become so commercialized and stressful. And in the cases I've seen, some people don't know how to hide the disappointment of receiving a present (that you gave a great deal of thought to) that they didn't want.
Halloween is not like that. If you don't get what you want at one house, it's no big deal. You still have a hundred more houses you can go to!!! Yea!!!
And the decorations are better to!!!
Ive never heard of that DD.. That's a pretty interesting game. I might have to try that some day..
These are so charming, I love Victorian holiday cards and have a number of them.
We did the apple stem initial thing too as well as the flower petal one - well at least until I felt it was majorly bad karma to kill a flower over a crush. I think I was 11.
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