Britney Spears has reportedly signed a deal with magazine Vanity Fair to tell all about her failed marriage to Kevin Federline. source
Hmmm. To be on the coveted cover of Vanity Fair, showing your much photoshopped ass, you know what has to happen. All stars are expected/required to reveal something terrible, painful, or scandalous. Like Terri Hatcher and her childhood molestation, or Hilary Swank narcing off Chad Lowe. So, what's Brit going to tell us? All I know for sure, is, Britneys a liar, a bad liar, but, a liar just the same..and Kevin isn't going to be pleased.
Someone take that damn gum away from her, she looks like the forgotten Marx brother "Bucktoof."
heh, at least kevin will make the money from any photos displayed in the story. heh, shitney is working for k-fed now...
Photos DURING the marriage. Now over. There's some legalities there.
Brit-ho is clearly desperate for money.... And even though she might have her fans, I seriously doubt she'll be selling out IF she ever comes back. With all the freebies we get online, I 'm sure we will see her next CD posted in its entirety (SP?) on any free mp3 finding site, and those die hard fans will not be paying her one cent. Too bad she showed her cooch for free to the papz, now Heffy is not gonna pay her shit to pose on Playboy.
That gum IS disgusting! I heard she was told twice to get rid of it before she went on national TV shows (I forget which awards shows)and both times she refused! She's everything you just said she is. You are right on, again. Love your site!
TY, I hope you guys say whatever you want here, even when you think I'm wrong.
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