There's the star. She's got some other tats too, a back fairy and some other retarded girlie wank. Whatever. People tell me I blog about her too much. I just blog about what interests me. If you have favorite celebs, tell me, I'll keep an eye out for them. If you wanna see Kate Hudson picking her nose, I have that stuff. >shrugs<
i told you already. she got her tat for free by sitting there showing her boobs to the tat artist while he blarted the ramones. he's prolly trying to introduce her to some real music. that album of hers that she bought the other day was prolly a gift for the tat guy. i hope he threw it away before his friends saw it.
That piece of shit should have been free anyhow. I've seen prisoners with better tats.
her shirt isn't off, it's a brown camisole top that's just slipped down on the back. You can still see it. *sigh*
yea her top isnt off, its like a tube top thing, and its like falling off the bottom. lol. so she still has the dice. therye on the inside of one of her wrists.
what, do you people have her entire body mapped out? have you collected bits of skinshots of her until you could photoshop them together to have a nekkid map of shitney's entire persona? ffs.... i can think of better hobbies, like collecting nose goblins, painting with fresh feces, and asking homeless people to kick me in the nuts...
TY everyone..I understand now. Her top isn't off, it just fell down. Not confusing at all.
Elaine??? She still has the dice? How wierd. I think she still loves Kevin.
noooooo. i dont have a map of britneys body. lol. i watch waaaaay to much E! true life, and those vh1 shows. brits dice tat is on the inside of her left wrist. So yea, if the star (on her right hand) is the only tat she got that night, then her dice are still there. i think she still loves him too, i mean he is the father of her children.
You guys, she's wearing a tannish-brown dress with a big old stain on the front of it. has several pics of it. It's worth taking a peak at them because it shows how really dirty and dishevelled she looks, AGAIN. And, dirtydisher, I never get tired of reading about Britney... it gives me a chance to rag on her.
Thanks guys. I'll go look.
becuase the baby fat needed to breathe
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