Saturday, December 23, 2006

Dose of photoshopped McPhee

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I was reminded tonight that Katharine McPhee has a new album out in Jan. You know how much I care? Nadda, zip, zilch. This girl is nothing but a scandal a-brewing. Trust me. I don't know what it will be, but, she will lose it in '07. I saw her on the Rod Stewart, A Home For The Holidays special (promoting adoption) and she farked up "Over The Rainbow" and 'bout made me blow chunks. Someone needs to tell her there is no need to warble and wiggle your voice on every freekin' last note. It's annoying and very Jessica Simpson-ish. It makes my ears bleed. Judy did it first, and Judy did it better. McPhee is McYucky.

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Rod Stewart, on the other hand, was as sexy hot as ever, sounding great and having fun. Even the Cap'n Crunch jacket didn't phase me. He has this wierd stop and pose thing now at the end of each tune..I just ignored that, because I love him. I know he'd love me too and leave that Penny Lancaster if he ever met me. Shut up! He would! Sob!


Anonymous said...

I don't blame you.... My aunt is Rod's #1 fan.....He's sexy in a feline kind of way. As for the Mcpheever I already took care of it. Tylenol seems to work fine.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL.....good advice.

crystal said...

Oh I am right with you on this one Pat - I have always found Rod sexy as hell and I love his music.

Dirty Disher said...

I've been a fan since I was 13 and I got a Small Faces album. Remember them?

Unknown said...

Yep, old times. I remember when I used to sign as "used to love perez..." Tylenol doesn't work anymore tho. Vicodin is much better. Rod is still fucking sexy.