Liz Hurley says she wants guns for Christmas instead of jewelry. Looks like she has a couple of loaded bazookas right there. Personally, I'd buy my own guns and take the jewelry. I'm practical like that. I'm not a purple person, but, that gown is beautiful. I'd say classy if it wasn't slit to the poon. Must be her hunting outfit.
hahahahahaha're right, bring the jewels, then I'll shoot you........LOL
By the way, Merry Christmas Double D!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to you too. I hope it's bright and special.
does she ever have a bad looking day? lol.
Nope..she's an old broad too.
that woman is so oh my god fucking hot it is absolutely incredible.
2006, it was a sad one. Our Simon cat died at the end of 09/06 a week before my MIL had the stroke. This blog is one of the things that kept me with a smile on my face during those months. Little did I know that harder times where about to come.
Forgive me for looking back at my old comments. It's just a trip I need to take. Watching how my online name evolved is fun.
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