They say Poshie wear them. They also say Britney owns them. It is a FACT that the girls from Sex In The City all wore them. They are called Bodyperks and they have thier own website. 20 bucks and you get a pair in a velvet bag.
Maaaaan, that's friggin' creepy. Looks like a serial killers stocking stuffer. But, they don't go in your stocking..really. Heh.
Hahahaha! I love your comment!
whats wrong with regular nipple hard ons?? why not walk around with real ones?
i so didnt know they used that on sex and the city. lol, my husbands gonna laugh his ass off when i tell them its all fake!
I know, man, I thought those chicks had rocks in thier bras. I don't know what's wrong with real unpredictable nips. Seems like everythings is fake now. Fake, weaved, glued, shaved, and packaged.
It'd be funny to buy three pair and wear 'em all at once. Can you imagine the stares?
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