Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Guess who's back?

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Michael Jackson and his three kids. MJ plans to live in Las Vegas and make a comeback. I'm sure Las Vegas is thrilled. Maybe MJ and Britney can hook up for New Years? (If his nose and her poon don't fall off.) Tell me something. How do you decide what kind of a Vegas extravaganza to do when you can't even decide how to arrange your face?


Anonymous said...

yuck...gawd hes a freak.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm.. he can put on a theme show for NAMBLA? other than those freaks, i dont think i can correctly identify michaels market, is it late teen boys who were molested by family members, or bisexual hippy freaks who want to end world hunger? i get confused...

Anonymous said...

ewww eeewwwww and ewwwwwwweww

How is that thing whatever it is even allowed to be photographed???? How is it even allowed to publish those photos of that thing whatever that is??????? People should be fined for taking pictures of that. That is the most offensive material only second to the baby bratz that sings the f word.

Anonymous said...

im starting with the man in the mirror, im asking him to change his ways....
take the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race, cuz there are children dying, and i havent made love to them yet, make the world a better place for you and for me....

ok, ok, im sorry, i couldnt help it, it had to be done, its like a tension break, where you scream and freak everyone out, but you feel better afterwards...that guy gives me the muthafuggin heebiejeebies. no shit.