Sunday, December 24, 2006

Keith Urban cheated on Nicole?

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Country crooner Keith Urban always seems to be battling his demons, and one of them is a "model" named Amanda Wyatt. She claimes she had an affair with Urban and their sexual relationship lasted long after he began seeing Kidman. Sources claim to have seen Urban kissing Wyatt in a Nashville bar as recently as last October. Amanda Wyatt runs her big mouth HERE.

Sorry, that's the only pic of her I far. Guess I don't need to give a source on that one, huu? Pffft.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting it for more photos. Man, she's homely.


Anonymous said...

Talk about trash. Nicole was living with Keith for 6-7 months before they even got married. Since Christmas I think. Amanda will have to come up with a better story. This one doesn't hold much water. Too many holes.

Dirty Disher said...

I mostly think you're right. But one thing I've found, is that where there's a celb rumor, there's almost always some truth in it.

Anonymous said...

These 2 definately met, there's no doubt about that. But these photos could have been taken anytime. The whole drinking & drug thing and that "everybody" knew that he was still using, don't think so. Nashville insiders were shocked. Plus his performances at his shows would have reflected it. And the bit about getting together whenever he got back to town? Must have been pretty crowded considering Nicole lived with him.

Anonymous said...

They used to hang out in 2004, well before he met, dated and married Nicole. My thoughts are that there is truth to them hanging out, but she's spinning it to her advantage by saying it was after he and Nicole became a couple and married. Funny how none of the other "sources" who saw them kissing before he went into rehab have identified themselves. Verdict: LIAR!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dirty - there's gotta be some truth in it, but really, this girl's out to share her misery by pimping her story on Christmas day - very spiteful. That move will undoubtably come back and bite her on the bum - bad, bad karma. (hope that's some consolation, Nic!) And by the looks of it, that's ALL she's got gonna for her. What's next? Hooking up with K-Fed??

Keith's got to learn to keep his nose clean and his willy packaged!

My thoughts are with Nic... She deserves better.

Dirty Disher said...

Dollars to doughnuts, Nicole and Kieths reps will deny this story, but, it won't go away. That chick is gonna keep talking. You can just tell.

Dirty Disher said...

She looks like a 2 dollar ParAss Hilton.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think Keith's reps will deny this story. He has always screwed around on his girlfriends, when he was engaged to Laura Siegler he screwed around, same with Niki Taylor. That's why she called off the wedding.

crystal said...

I hope for Nicole's sake and their marriage that the rumors aren't true. I know I am not the most gorgeous person in the world lol, but I am sorry but she looks like she was a he - those lips looks they belonged to a guy. My opinion and I hope Keith didn't cheat on Nicole. I like those 2