Saturday, December 23, 2006

Puzzle this...

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Take a good look at her and tell me what's missing. I heard she's in Hawaii this week with Stavros, desperatly trying to meet his parents again (good luck, bimbo), but, before that she was in Japan for some new Motorola doo-hicky. This pic was from that Motorola product pitch. But, something is wrong here. Do you see it too?

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Yep, a little more digging and I find this photo of her in Hawaii. She has a mongo buise on her thigh. Has anyone else noticed she's always bruised lately? She's as frequently bruised as Blohan is cut. It's wierd.


Queen of Pain said...

Sorry dirtydisher, are her blue contacts missing? If not, I don't get it. PS-Thanks for posting over the weekend and holiday.

Anonymous said...

she missing a bruise?..or maybe a tooth..


Anonymous said...

I am clueless....

Dirty Disher said...

Yep, she's mising a tooth. She usually turns her face the other way. We know she can afford any dentist..maybe she's afraid of them, I dunno, but, it looks bad.

Dirty Disher said...

YW, queen of pain..I plan too blog all thru the holidays, just taking time to go eat with my family tomarrow and score some new socks, then back to the blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow I guess Parass is one simple mortal after all!!!! I read somewhere else that she had a root canal....errr maybe she forgets to brush her teeth once in a while, otherwise why would she be having a root canal or a tooth yanked? Or maybe she lost it while fightin with whomever left that bruise on her leg........ Rough Amore that's called LOL!!!

crystal said...

I thought it was she had too much clothes on and not enought skin showing but your right, her tooth is missing lol.

Dirty Disher said...

Coke and meth make teeth rot. Just sayin'. >shrugs<