Saturday, January 27, 2007

Baio makes me gag (and not in a good way)

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Seems Scott Baio (Happy Days, Charles In Charge) has written his biography and titled it "BaioWatch: How I Dated and Loved Hollywood's Most Beautiful Women and Ended Up Alone." Aside from the sadly dated and stolen Baywatch reference, you'd think it couldn't get worse, but, you'd be wrong. On losing his virginity to Happy Days costar Erin Moran (who I always called Erin Moron) Scott says..

"I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say after we got naked. So for the first five minutes, maybe less—hell, it might have been the first twenty seconds—I'm doing it and thinking, man, this is really uncomfortable. What happened was, my thing was between the cushions on the couch and I didn't even know it. Instead of being inside Erin, I was humping a corduroy sofa!"

Funny, I ALWAYS pictured Erin Moron to be EXACTLY like humping a coruroy sofa. If you want more gross out from has been loser Baio..go to radaronline.


Anonymous said...

LMFAO!!!! Geez I didn't know you could hump a cord sofa. The sofa should have pressed charges.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO @ The sofa should have pressed charges.