Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Haute couture for little girls

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
There's a huge market in couture fashions for children now, and the runway sometimes belongs to the little people. I keep seeing the "pedo" word tossed around and it kind of pisses me off. If people look at these children and think "pedo" they have to be paranoid..or a pedo. All I see is little girls in cute clothes. At $5,000 a pop, you aren't likely to be picking these things up at your local Target. Seems to me the worst that could happen here is they grow up to hurl jewel encrusted Blackberries at thier personal assistants.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't they find some attractive children?

Anonymous said...

I don't think model children are creepy, actually it's kinda cute as long as they look like kids. What's creepy to me is when they get enrolled in kid's pageants and the moms go retarded and start dressing their kids like "sexy grownups", and encouraging them to act like it, with fake teeth and wigs and hooker makeup. now that's wrong. Wrong.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL crabbie..the attractive kids couldn't walk in the fake snow.

Anonymous said...

This is a bit much. Little girls forced to grow up and act snotty. Like we need anymore of them running around.

Anonymous said...

The first picture is a cute kid, the second child however looks depressed or something....maybe she hangs out with the older model and has that "I'm strung out on 5 different drugs" look. If this was for anything other than fun, the parents should be shot in the ovaries and testicular sacs. 5k for kids clothes! FFS, that's the retarded part of all of this shit!

Anonymous said...

The first picture is a cute kid, the second child however looks depressed or something....maybe she hangs out with the older model and has that "I'm strung out on 5 different drugs" look. If this was for anything other than fun, the parents should be shot in the ovaries and testicular sacs. 5k for kids clothes! FFS, that's the retarded part of all of this shit!