Sunday, January 21, 2007

How much???

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Paul McCartney has had enough. He's offered Heather Mills $63 MILLION dollars to get the hell out of his life. Looking at her money grubbing lying face makes me think it's worth every penny.


crystal said...

63 million and she is thinking about it - oh yeah it was never about money for her - pfft

Anonymous said...

oh my god she is creepy looking. Take the millions and go away please!!!!!!!!pleeeease!!!!!! just disappear, die, burn in hell with your crippled leg!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course she is a golddigger. But all those old horny men just deserve getting rid of their money. They are both disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Those old hornbags should date women of their own age. That's it. Those pervs have only themselves to blame if they pick younger ladies who are exclusively after their money.

Anonymous said...

lmao, he could arrange a professional hit for much less money, AND he'd be doing the world a favor...