Thursday, January 25, 2007

Janice thinks Mick is an asshole

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Former super model..errr, excuse me, The Worlds First Supermodel, (as she likes to be called) Janice Dickinson, spilled her guts to Howard Stern about her former boy toy, Mick Jagger. According to Janice, Mick is short, a midget, she could set a drink on his head, he has a small penis, he's cheap, an asshole, and has sex with men. LMFAO! Ahhh, I wish people would interview her more often.


Anonymous said...

I know!!!!! I think her brain should be kept for further study. Not that it would be a valuable piece for science, but, you know, we'd get a kick out of it.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! She cracks me up..crazy old ho.