Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Jens nose job

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Jennifer Aniston had a nose job last weekend and I am not excited about it. According to her publicist, the surgery was done to correct a deviated septum that was incorrectly done over 12 years ago. Of course it was done 12 years ago, that's about when she had her nose done the first time (that we know about.) Before she became uber famous Jen was reported to have had at least a couple of cosmetic surgeries, and there's nothing unusual about it. But, why this stuff about a deviated septum? Didn't we have to listen to that malarky from Cameron Diaz shortly before Timerlake dumped her? Girls get dumped and heartbroken and do weird things. Aniston should have had surgery on that chin. Don't get me wrong..I like her, but, that chin is just so macho. I would have spent some big bucks getting that chin shaved down before some cliff climber smacked a peg in it and repelled down to my enhanced chest.


Anonymous said...

How much did she pay for it?Was it necessary?I can think of better things to spend money on.

Mini Me

Anonymous said...

That so-called "macho" chin will be a blessing to her as she ages. It will keep her from looking jowly like so many older women do.

Anonymous said...

My husband asked me if JA was related to Jay Leno.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL! Makes you wonder.