Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Katie Holms in Paris

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Sigh. What's the point of Katie going to Paris fashion shows again? The only place she's allowed to go, without the Little General, is shopping. Maybe Paris is the farthest she can get from the controlling freak. She never gets to wear the fashions she spend hundreds of thousands on, instead she's always at some damn soccer game. In her real life she looks more like a Quaker than the wife of a super star. It's depressing. She only returns home, because he holds her kid hostage.


Anonymous said...

The "Little General"? I love it!

Dirty Disher said...

I hate that bastard. He needs to come out of the closet.

crystal said...

She looks so unhappy. Even when she "smiles" or in my opinion tries to, it just isn't the same Katie we knew a few years back.