Is Guy Ritchie hearing what I'm hearing?? Madonna had dinner last week with her daughters father, Carlos Leon, and the two were seen getting VERY flirty and holding hands.
“They set a good example for other couples who have kids,” said Madonna’s spokeswoman, Liz Rosenberg. “It’s lovely they get along and remain friends.”
Really? I'm just such a nasty little gossip hound, this is delicious to me. I'll betcha there was a huge fight when Madonna got home. Who holds hands and flirts with thier ex when they're happily married? Actually, who the hell goes to dinner alone with thier ex when the kid is nowhere to be found? Am I the only one who finds this strange?
You're only wrong about one thing...there probably wasn't a huge fight when she got home. Guy had probably broken out the bubbly thinking that he was finally getting rid of her tired, old, crotchety, self-righteous, control-freak ass.
Celebrities...are...not...NORMAL. Yes, they are human just like us. They poop and cry and need to wear makeup to look good. But there's something wrong with a person's brian that craves the spotlight SO BADLY that they will do what it takes to enter the elite strata of celebritiness. That is why we have attention whores, spoiled, entitled brats that have completely filled their heads with crazy delusions. Madonna thinks its okay to do this because she's thoroughly deluded herself into thinking she DOESN'T poop like the rest of us.
Let's face it, Madonna can do anything she wants. she's Madonna. The others are lower scum.
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