Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My eyes! My friggin' eyes!

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I don't watch Big Brother, but, I read the hoopla. Jade Goody has been remourseful about her racist remarks to Shilpa Shetty on the show. I actually have heard of Shilpa and that amazes me. I believe they called this show CELEB Big Brother, but, they were mostly a bunch of fuggers no one had ever heard of. So besides that rip off, we have Jade Goody (who the frick is she?) bawling and saying..

“I was nasty and ugly”

Is she talking about her general appearance or her name calling of Shilpa? Bigotry aside, wtf else do you do if you're mad at someone with a name like Shilpa Shetty? I'm sorry, man, but, that's just too easy.


Anonymous said...

sheepa shitty?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha no kidding. But it's proven that making non-tolerant remarks gets people fired. I don't give a fuck a bout Big Brotha anyway, I don't know who these fucktards are. It's the same on the Latino version of Celebrity Big Brother, when Alicia Machado, ex miss universe was caught banging her roommate on camera. Or was that another reality? Who cares anyway.

Anonymous said...

“I was nasty and ugly”

i got news for you, it hasn't changed.