Thursday, January 25, 2007

ParAss exposed..not for the Niarchos' family

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Greek shipping heir, Stavros Niarchos’ family has threatened to disown him if he doesn't stop seeing ParAss Hilton, and hanging out with all her worthless friends. Personally, I don't think Stavros gives a crap about Hilton, he's simply too lazy to find another girl friend. Maybe they should put a sweater worn by Hilary Duff under his nose and see if her reacts like a dopey blood hound.


crystal said...

didn't his family give him the same warning before when he was seeing her?

Anonymous said...

I just hope that they had the decency of not spreading any free obscenities this time.

Anonymous said...

lmao, how waspish of them. well, what does he expect, she starred in a porn that she was too high to notice.