perez's anus is on fire. you didnt know he is gay? he claims to be "the queen of internet media" or whatever. he is human debris, and should be swept up and recycled. wait, dont recycle him, he's infectious waste. burn him alive, and put the ashes in cement. throw the block into the deepest ocean, and never look back. what an assbag...
I think Perez might be gay.
..migh be gay..
You cannot be more gay than the clone Perez!
umm he's gay.
He IS the ugliset gay man in the world (and I like most people am counting Tom Cruise)
That pic should have SHITEOUS scrawled on it in white digital marker :P
Wow! I didn't know he was gay. Really?
Yep, he's a flamer. That being said, I don't like the hair, too much even for him.
He does make me laugh though!!
When we email you, where do you want DirtyDisher? In the subject line?
Like... couldn't care less. :D
In the subject line, please. :)
perez's anus is on fire. you didnt know he is gay? he claims to be "the queen of internet media" or whatever. he is human debris, and should be swept up and recycled. wait, dont recycle him, he's infectious waste. burn him alive, and put the ashes in cement. throw the block into the deepest ocean, and never look back. what an assbag...
gay has nothing to do with it.... he is creepy
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