At one point in the hearing, it was all about the drink cups. Howard K. made such a show of taking his with him when he'd leave the stand. At one point he forgot, and his cup sat right in front of Larry Birkhead who stared at it, eyes wide and smirking. He could hardly contain his laughter and neither could anyone else. After Larry testified, Howard's lawyer ran up and gathered both Larry and Howard's cups and took them. Presumably it had something to do with DNA. They've all been watching too much CSI. But, it was funny.
Larry Birkhead came off as a nice sweet guy who isn't crazy and is probably Dannielyn's biological father, but, in the world of Anna Nicole Smith he was a loser. Anna would have never married a photographer. He's no billionaire and that's what mattered to her. This is just my opinion, and like, who cares? Right? Anyway, I'm team Birkhead.
Anna mother, Virgie. Oh, geez, what can you say about this old rip? Anna hated her, that's clear in film clips. Anna said she beat her and made her childhood hell. So, Vergies appeal to get Anna body to Texas is just a ploy to disturb the dead and gain some more money. That's what I think. What a horrible woman. She needs to go back to her Texas ghetto and shut the fuck up.
ohh dirty disha - perez just posted the crazy grandma pic and baby alien - but not your same caption...still...
I haven't been there today. Let me run and look like the geek I am.
Yeah, he drew antenea on the kid. I wish he'd stop that. Just Jarod had the pic first, I believe. That's where I stole it.
Just looking at Vergie makes my skin crawl.
Me too.
I still hope Larry gets the little girl.
Being a criminal justice major, I watched most of the live coverage, and I'm all for Team Birkhead. He's the only normal one involved, and he's really does seem to have the best interests of everyone at heart. I hope he gets Dannielynne.
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