Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another model dead

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Eliana Ramos, 18, was found dead at home in Uruguay. So heartbreaking for her family as it was her sister Luisel who died of a heart attack during a fashion show only six months ago.

Should the fashion industry change its standards for models? Some countrys are. Should they all? What I'm asking is..should there be a minimum body mass index for all models, underage models, or what?

Recently, Diane Von Furstenburg, President of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, was asked if models would ever need to face healthy weight requirement standards at American Fashion Weeks. Her response: "Over my dead body!" Ironic, huu?

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There is no question as to weather this model is healthy. She looks like death. But, should she be legal to work? How much of any models eating disorder is anyone else responsible for?


Anonymous said...


that futengbitch.

Anonymous said...

Nasty. I think there is a clear difference between a good-looking and healthy thin woman and a too thin anorexic. :S

Anonymous said...

That is a walking skeleton. Horrific!! That anyone even thinks she is pretty enough (or even healthy enough) to be a "model" is questionable!

Anonymous said...

No matter how gorgeous the clothes are that a model like that wears, NOBODY in their right minds would want to look like that..... she looks like walking death...

Anonymous said...

The designers want walking hangers to display their clothes on. I think they should just get tooth-pick limbed robots to do it...skinny as you want.

Anonymous said...

I'm suprised she doesnt snap in half under the weight of her hair.

Anonymous said...

How is that girl on the bottom not dead yet, holy hell. I know I'm playing devil's advocate here but when two sisters fall within 6 months of each other, I have to wonder whether there was a genetic component that may have exascerbated the malnutrition thing. I wholeheartedly agree that women shouldn't starve themselves like these sisters apparantly did but it's just very easy to blame it solely on malnutrition when there could be a secondary factor, such as an inherited defect of some sort.

Anonymous said...

Actually, as it turns out the girls died because of a shared congenital heart defect (they shared it because they were obviously related). Weight was not a factor in either death.

The media have beat this up due to our love/hate obsession with pretty people, and we have lapped it up. Lets think twice before emoting next time.