Friday, February 9, 2007

Big ass hissy fit of the day

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Everyones bragging and complimenting on Donatella Versace's new line and show. You know what? I've seen this crap a million times. 'Tis no longer art, Donatella, it is bordering plagiarism and bad plagiarism. Reminiscent of some star spangled Bob Mackey 70's crap without the glitz or the balls (or Cher). Are you afraid to throw something daring out there Donatella, or do you like resting on your dead brothers laurels? Giovanni Versace was a fucking genius. His sister is not, and I'm tired of the hype. The public isn't as stupid as you think. Let's just hope for your sake, your buyers are.

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Donatella has also openly criticized Hillary Clintons appearance lately, saying she needs to dress "more feminine." Maybe you should get a more feminine face and leave Hillary alone, you fug poser.


Anonymous said...

it was Gianni, not Giovanni, DD!

Unless there's another Versace named Giovanni that I don't know about!!!


Dirty Disher said...

It was Giovanni. Gianni translates to Johnny..his nick name.

Anonymous said...

You're right the man was a genius. I think it is just sentiment since he died so tragically. Anyone who goes into her plastic surgeon and says I'll have THAT bleeech certainly has no asthetic taste

Dirty Disher said...

I SOOOOOO agree with you.