Hmmmmm, like her new look? I don't mind it. This is the least crazy thing she's done lately. And, since her real hair is all messed up from extensions and glue..what the hell? I'd go for it too. She's still wearing Isaacs Star Of David though. That's a little crazy. Maybe she thinks it's a Pentacle.
UPDATE: more on the balding of Britney Spears..
When the hairdresser refused, a source says Spears "grabbed the hair clipper and started doing it herself," reports Us Weekly. Then she jetted over to Body & Soul Tattoo in Sherman Oaks, where employee Emily Wynne-Hughes says the singer was agitated and a "nightmare" to deal with. When asked about her new 'do, an exasperated Britney told Hughes, "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everyone touching me."Her two new tattoos -- a black, white and pink cross on her hip and red and pink lips on her wrist -- cost $80. During the one-hour visit, the employee noticed a stain on the singer's white handbag, and Brit explained she had "spilled Nyquil all over it." (From TMZ.)
Noone can tell a difference between her head and her poon anymore.
I thought the same thing, DD. With all the dying and bleaching and extensions, you know her real hair was fryed to the max! She needs to put on a wig though, before she scares the hell out of the kids.
LMAO @ Chloe. That's a good one.
.D., oh those kids have seen so much
Come on, Dish. Don't you know every time some star does something a little weird you're supposed to play it up like it's the end of the world? Britney Spears Shaves Head, Planet Venus Thrown Out Of Orbit.
You think it's just an attention grabber? Maybe. I thinks shes gone off the deep end. This chick lives for her looks and has no clue when she looks like a whore..she's going to wake up and want to die when she sees her head.
I think she's channeling Sinead O'Connor.
is this real? brit, what have you done?!
Yes, it's real.
Honestly, I think she needs help. This is beyond bizarre and embarrassing.
For some reason everything about Britney stopped being funny as of now. Shaving our head is a *thought* that as women many of us have when we hit rock bottom. That's why some of us cut our hair, not shave, as a way to get a fresh start. But actually shaving bald ...I don't know...she does look sad and disturbed.
Yes. This is a bad sign. That's why I wrote the letter. Saving is simething you plan, not do and cry.
Errrrrrr, shaving. Doh me.
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