Several sources are reporting that Poontang is back in rehab. Kevin is supposed to be in court today trying to get emergency custody of thier kids. I'm going to take a big leap here and say..Britney is out of rehab again. <---tomarrows headline. Like I care anymore. Bitch can go to the Bank Of Crazy and withdraw her last brain cell and marry ParAss Hilton for all I care.
I have to add this, yesterday she wondered around clutching a journal, her cigs, credit card and that absurd dog, wearing that even more absurd wig, like a homeless person on the beach. Acting all out of it, she finally checked into the Bel Air Hotel, where she spent the night before heading back to rehab today.
The HollywoodRag reports..
A source tells Us that Kevin Federline, 28, and his mother, along with the help of Spears' mother Lynne, have joined forces to aid Federline while he has cared for his sons -- Sean Preston, 17 months, and Jayden James, 5 months -- during their mother's recent rehab stints, partying and hotel stays."He is beyond sad," says a Federline pal. "This is the worst week of his entire life. He doesn't even want to pick up the phone. Things are beyond not well with Britney, and he still loves her."
Of course Fed has been taking care of them. Did you doubt it? I didn't. Lynn Spears has never liked Kevin, but, Lynn is no picnic herself. The persistant stage mother may well be one of the the reasons Britney's nuts. GIVE THE KIDS TO THIER DAD! Geeeesh.
Probably Britneys mother never cared about her. That's why she's insane and knows nothing about good parenting.
Britneys mother pushed her to do nothing but show biz from age two. Lynn Spears was the driving force behind Britneys career. Brit had no real life until she became an adult and then it went crazy.
It may be true, but Britney is an adult now, she is not that little girl anymore, and she should own what she does now, she could have just publicly say hey i wanna retire, and be done with it. she coulda come back if she wanted after thinking things thru if showbiz is really what she wanted to do. Can't blame the parents forever.
Your childhood affects you throughout your life, dear. You will never become a normal adult and a parent if you have no good foundation.
I'm not arguing that, but, she is not the only one in the world with issues. I know so many people who have the grounds to blame their parents for everything, yet, they are mature enough to say "I won't make the same mistakes" and are responsible for their own actions and live a normal life and are the most loving and understanding parents themselves, and succesful in their life. And they agree that blaming the parents sometimes is just an excuse for people's unacceptable behavior, which some people are just full of. Unless they do in fact have mental problems.
Agree that some people are stronger and more mature than the others.
It's not really about blaming anyone. I'm just trying to figure out, what went sooo wrong.
And I still think she is mentally ill. Heavy boozing etc is only making it worse.
I think Kevin should tell Brit's mom and him and HIS mother have everything under control
someone take the kids AND the dog away from her.
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