Britney left Promises Treatment Facility, in Malibu, early this morning. She tried her best to get to a tattoo parlor, but, it was closed so she went home to her babies.
Kevin Federline has requested an emergency hearing, for this Thursday, to determine custody of the boys. A court spokesperson says only K-Fed and his attorney are scheduled to appear before the judge, but adds "anything is possible."
At this point, with her former nanny saying she (Britney) didn't know what to do when the kids cried, and after holding them for 10 minutes, she'd say "I'm done, you can take them now", well, I don't think the judge is going to let her keep that yappy puppy, let alone her kids.
She might show up in court topless, in a purple glo in the dark wig and crotchless panties, and ask the judge for a light, throw up on the stand and then just lay on the floor, legs spread, fingering herself, giggling and singing "poon poon poon hee hee." Nothing would surprise me at this point.
GIVE K-FED THE KIDS ALREADY. I refuse to believe she was trying to kill herself this weekend. Maybe the traffic looked farther away with no hair in your face. And there's no such thing as too much Xanax. She just has too much fun. Wheeeeee!
OH-MAH-GAWD. never thought i'd see the day when the concensus was to turn the kidlets over to k-fed. BRITNEY - what are you doing girl? we've all been through shitty times. where has your coping mechanism gone? please redeem yourself and pull it together for the kids. go back to rehab.
Give those chidren to thier dad!! NOW!
oh geez. there's no such thing as a suicide attempt. you either kill yourself or you don't, you don't "attempt" or think about it, you do it, period. I can't believe she's going that direction to get attention. it's sad, but I don't know if I wanna pity her now. the kids need their mommy, but she's not there. so give them to daddy, at least until she pulls herself together. be fair to them.
No more sympathy here..she's absurd.
Some women just can't handle taking care of kids. So kill them? Kev should become a single daddy. Single daddies are cool!! Why do the mothers automatically get them (the kids) anyway? Kids miss their daddies just as much as their mommies. Just send the kids to the sane person, the parent who can take care of them properly doesn't matter what sex the parent is. Its just as sad for the father to loose his kids (as it is for the mother). In this case the mother got the kids and blew it and so now she can experience the grief that fathers go through in a marriage breakdown.
Hope she doesn't do an Anna Nichole Smith.
dirtydisher I like you better than Perez, he tries so hard to be a celeb himself. PLEASE NEVER... EVER!!! publish pictures of yourself sucking up to the people you expose. Oh and PETA R O C K S!!! You're intelligent, you can sort through the shit, look into it. Factory farm animals have a very, very, very, very, very, very, hard time. Worse than Brittney or most other humans, particularly those living in the wall to wall meat-eating, animal-wearing world.
Yeah, the true victims here are the kids...They need someone who is going to be there for them.
lasvegan, I will never be famous and that's cool with me. I'm just an old broad in the midwest with a big mouth. No celebrities here. As for farm factories..I couldn't agree with you more. I love animas too.
you might not be famous but you are a legend!! you cut through the shit. so as they say in australia....
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