Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bubblehead model double talk

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"It's crazy but, apart from a brief romantic intermission last summer, I have been single and celibate for two years. How boring is that?"
- Elle MacPherson

Uhhh, Elle...then that means you got laid and you're not celibate. Models are so stoopid sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry to burst your bubble dirt/dirty/disher(?), but "apart from" or "aside from" or "except for" or "besides" are used to indicate that brief period is excluded from the statement

you're still clever, even if you do not read carefully (and make a number of spelling errors...what is a "tounge" - a lounge chair shaped like a tongue perhaps?)

anyway - and crabby have saved me from having to get my gossip from the pink freak (peepee), and you guys are not just bitchy, you are very funny!
