Selma Blair seems to have grown out her half shaved hair and gone blonde (I liked it both ways) and has taken up with this guy, model, Matthew Felker. He blogs. If I just read him objectively, he doesn't sound retarded. There's this...
"Fame brings you a podium to say something constructive, do something positive for society. Unfortunately most famous people are so busy trying to mask problems and worries with "glamour." They a have bought the definition of "glamour" much like the basic consumer. Sold through beautiful imagry and photos. Next time you are getting ready to go out. Look in that mirror while you are gelling your hair or plucking your eyebrows. Why are you going out? What are you looking for? Its not behind the red ropes. It's in front of you usually."
I don't think he'll win a pultizer, but, he doesn't sound like an oxygen thief. I always loved Selma and I don't think she's done badly here. Besides, he babysits her dog. I love men who babysit for thier girl friends pets.
That guy looks hot!
I thought so too. I need more stories about hot guys.
He looks just like my friend Trevor but Trevor's hair is just a shade darker.
Good lord.. where's my head.. he looks like my friend is Trevor..oh well..I'm tired
I didn't even recognize Selma...
Why is she dressed in the same shirt as the person standing behind her?
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