Monday, February 12, 2007

Give her a Hinny

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This photo of Blohan has been circulating. Her PR reps (lying ho's) are telling us it's Lindsay leaving an AA meeting last Saturday. Dude, that's a Heineken beer sign in back of her. Do they have AA meetings in bars? Seriously, I don't know. Do they?


Anonymous said...

She was lost and went in a bar to ask for directions. You know all Hollywood bar patrons have been to AA, (and rehab) so they know the way.
At least that sounds better than her pr rep's lame explanation. These people don't even try anymore.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL..I like your version better.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I go to NA meetings at a crack could happen.

Anonymous said...

looks like the Bar Marmont in Hollywood. lamps are similar.

Dirty Disher said...

It does look like Marmont!! Good eye, Juliana. calisty..what's NA? Don't make me guess, I could get nawdy.