Please. Meridith is in some coma because she drowned and McDreamy saved her. Or did he?? (Cue suspense music here.) Meridith just had her friggin' appendix rupture and was also in an explosion. (This is more bullshit than Lohan and her appendectomy.) Meanwhile Izzy has borrowed a drill from some grease monkey, and is drilling for oil in some dudes head, under a car. While being instructed by cell phone. So? I could do that. Gimmie a drill and bend over so I can see your.... skull. Christina runs around through the whole episode going "Meridith is my person." And Izzie makes an "I believe" speach that no one understood and was longer than the Grammys. This show is going too far and I have too many brain cells to be watching it anymore. Maybe if Izzy drills some holes in my friggin' head I can dig it again, but, I doubt it.
Good. After Ugly Betty, which is supposed to be goofy and soapy, my Thursdays are now free again.
I'm watching "Pink Mist" rerun...and I can't stop bawling.
The second part of the three-parter got me bawling non-stop. I know it may seem a little over the top, but sometimes doctors gotta do what they gotta do in emergency situations.
I might be a little masochistic though, wanting to watch heartwenching
You should read Shonda's blog...seriously! lol
I love the show. How dare you insult the best show in the history of man kind~~~
After ER which thouroughly blows now.
btw, Mer's mother dies next week. oops did I spoil it for anyone? >:}
writers blog
TY, elisa.
Katie, sorry, but, I've had it with soaps.
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