American Idol producers are now trying to cut back on Paula Abdul's dumbass moments. They are editing out anything that makes her look drunk or high and trying to de-bumbleize her. Executive producer Nigel Lythgoe admits it isn't easy.''
Well, then leave Paula alone. Why take out stuff we all enjoy? People won't stop watching Idol because Paula sounds loopy...we expect it..we look foreward to it. Paula Abdul is the closest thing to brain dead mumble mouth Anna Nicole we have. No real disrespect meant, but, isn't that why we watched Anna Nicole? Be honest.
I thought that was the entire premise of watching The Anna Nicole Show. Especially when she's roll around and dry hump her couch. That was awesome. Yeah, I went there.
Me too. I found it hilariously shameful and exploitive. Anna laughed all the way to the bank, well, except when she'd get lost and have to call home for directions.
actually since you asked for honesty - I shall give it, and I never watched anything to do with Anna Nicole Smith. If I saw it, it would have been on the news only.
You can catch some of her antics on You Tube. She was kind of funny sometimes, kind of embarassing, kind of sad.
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