Friday, February 23, 2007

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony in Miami

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Suddenly J-Lo looks beautiful again and Marc Anthony looks..well, like Marc Anthony. Don't ask me what she sees in him, but, they are madly in love. Any fool can tell it's real. Even me. I do admire his choice in suits last night. I had a bed like that once. I thought it was a brave choice. And J-Lo's dress isn't for everyone, it's pure J-Lo though and it's hot on her. She might have gone a little longer in the length. The old knees are not looking like they used to. I realize Miami is in Florida, and I've heard they never wear hose there, but, I think they should learn to love them.


Dirty Disher said...

I know, man, why doesn't anyone wear hose anymore. I like them myself.

NeedWeed said...

Mark Anthony is Ugly, very Ugly is J Lo blind . From P. diddy to Ben and from Ben to this midget. Can't believe she is going out with an ugly dude like him. You are young J go get some young handsome guy and forget about the Grinch.

Anonymous said... your!

Anonymous said...

she looks alright .I've seen her look better.Somehow she's different, she's lost that glow.Marc looks the same always.He's into the coffin chic.

NeedWeed said...

hehe thanks man

Anonymous said...

I like the dress but I think it might have looked better on her if it was a different colour. This one just looked a bit washed out to me.

Fashion Critic said...

He is fugly alright but he makes her happy and that is what counts...she has been glowing lately and as much as we hate to admit it this is largely due to him.

Dirty Disher said...

Ohhh, a fashion very cool.:)