Thursday, February 22, 2007

Juliette and the Licks

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We already discussed Juliette Lewis's fashions sense (none) and her legs (awesome) but, I think she's so freekin' freeky. Here she is with her band, Juliette and The Licks, in Australia last night. She really gets into it, and it's not the music that I object to. It's the way she moves. What's that? You want to hear her sing? Oh, you sad's a LINK. If you turn the sound off it looks like Night Of The Living Dead on an Indian reservation. The great Polyester tribe.


Anonymous said...

it is not awful - the music
it is awful - the hot pink leggings and sienna miller style leoTARD

Anonymous said...

She has no ass! and no moves! holy crap she looked like someone going into a convulsion. But I guess she has the money not me so she can do what she wants.

Dirty Disher said...

"convulsion" Yep yep.

Anonymous said...

You jerk offs wouldn't know good music if it hit you in the cunt! Maybe I should go listen to the Vines or Silver Fucking Suck Chair!!!
Eat A Dick From The USA!