Friday, February 9, 2007

Keira Knightley talks about her imagined flaws

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Keira Knightley says..

"I do think I must have a nice face because I'm completely aware my face gets me work. But the problem is that if you happen to be someone who people think of as pretty, you also get so many people whose business it is to comment on your looks. I've been to photo shoots where the photographer has told me he'd kept my legs out of shot so I don't need to worry about them - that of course makes you worry. Then I've had make-up artists who've told me they need to shade the top of my nose so it won't look so broken. I also got rejected for a job once because someone said I had a funny mouth. They are all things you start to focus on. You start off thinking you're OK, then you have to go to some event and you remember you have a weird mouth, a broken nose and horrible legs."

Oh, what------ever. Just eat a cheesburger and shut up. If you have horrid legs it's because you now weigh half an Olsen.


Anonymous said...

Add to list of worries : Eyes like an African orphan in please send food TV commercials. Wonder why that is ;)

lol half an Olsen

Anonymous said...

I know she's totally called the WAHHmbulance right now but I mean I guess she has a bit of a point, too. It does give insight into why so many celebrities might be as crazy as they are. If I got rejected for a job because I have a "weird mouth" I might go join Kaballah to relieve stress...okay not really but it is sort of weird to have people scrutinize you so much. I don't think I could deal with that, personally.

Dirty Disher said...

I couldn't either..nor the constant paparazzi. Good thing I don't have to worry about it. I only have one sad stalker with a cell phone camera. He stutters when I look at him.

Anonymous said...

so "half an olsen" huh!

we now have ourselves a new measuring system.

I think I weigh 10 olsens.

Wow that sounds better than saying I weigh 180 lbs!!!!


Dirty Disher said...

LOL! That's only 3 and a half Olsens..that's not so bad.