Eninem's ex ex wife, Kim Mathers has flipped out on him again and says he has a small penis. Last I heard they were engaged again..I'm betting that wedding is off now.
"he's not very well endowed." said Mathers, "If you're going to have sex with Marshall, make sure you have a little blue pill, because otherwise it does not work."
Owch. I don't like people who talk about ex lovers genitals and performance. I find they're usually liars. Maybe it's not Em's size problem Kim. Maybe it's yours. Ask yourself, does Em park his SUV in my vagina? I'm betting the answer is yes.
I don't think Marshall actually has a pee pee. I think his mommy snipped it when he was little, and keeps it in a jar of formaldehyde next to her bed.
He has a pee pee. Don't make me cry crabbie.
I have always kind of liked Em...I started listening to his music to see what my kids were listening to and I was surprised to find out that he actually has a sense of humor under all that anger...but the anger puts food on the table...a tough job to do where he grew up. Kim has always struck me as a little off...not in a Britney way, but in a "I'll kick your ass" way.
Elaine S.
I love Eminems music.
I like his music..small pee pee or not :)
course he got a small one....he's a white dude! lmao!
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